

Pheww..landscaping project keeps getting postponed because of fucking rain.  So far, I got a few ugly bushes yanked our and this crazy half-dead flowering bush/tree removed too!  This makes Princess very happy!  It’s looking great so far and the changes are very exciting!

The driveway is getting redone too and I’m thinking about getting pavers on the sidewalk after all the other work is done.  Oh yeh and that pond is totally getting taken out.  I’m soo sick of  leaves and other shit falling in it and it getting filthy and plugged up.  Goodbye pond. You were fun for a year or two. Between that, searching for new flooring and counters for the bathrooms and StarWars galaxies, I’ve been quite preoccupied.  I also FINALLY got about to ordering a new couch from Pottery Barn with the gift certificates that Vaseline freak gave me ago some time ago!  I think I might have to repaint the den now to go with it.  I won’t know until it gets here.   There is a LONG wait for the sofa. Waaaah! I hate waiting!  I have one more hallway to paint and the office to repaint.  Vacation is coming up in a few weeks too!  So much to do and so little time to do it.

Oliver..where is that $500 you promised? 
SECRET MISSION Assignment for slaves in germany! I need SUPER SPIES to do a stealth mission on oliver twist. I’ve had a few german slaves suggest that the address might be incorrect, according to german searches engines.  I want to send a secret agent pervo to do reconnaissance  find out.   Super Sicko Surveillance team or something! hhahha  Yes Oliver..Princess was not happy about your behavior today.  you now owe another $1,000 because you earned a penalty..don’t forget that other “special” purchase I requested!

 Tomorrow I am going to get MY nails and toes done.  Who’s flipping for the bill?  $100 should cover it.

 $2,000 from hairlip!  $500 from vaseline freak and $300 from fagarina, $1000 from latex lover and $200 shopping from twinkie!


oliver twisted got twisted into knots and was brainwashed outta $1,200 dollars today!  $250 from the french serve slave.  I am resizing some photos of prezzies. I’ll add more details later tonight. Ciao!

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5 thoughts on “Yippy!

  1. avatarhoerslaaf

    Princess, you landscape you garden like you treat your pay pigs. and they love it..i’m living close to germany maybe i should investigate also


  2. avatarAnonymous

    You are in such level that nobody can give You new thrills.
    What new thrill can anybody offer to You after, say, fifteen years of practising Your art? They can give You money, marriages, health, friends and social life, mental breakdowns. They can offer You only their fresh meat. The meat that You have tasted thousand of times. You are the only one that can create new thrills for Yourself. i really sorry that You are bored.


  3. avatargerman

    regarding oliver:
    Best would be if he photographed his ID card (german: “personalausweis”) front and back. There you will find his adress.


  4. avatarAnonymous

    we show confidently to You the content of our brain of ant,
    and quietly, with a smile, You operate over the garden


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