Yeh I’m laughing at yoooou!


update:  Look what arrived from The Queen of Diamond’s Unroyal fool!  $500 Super Crispy Crispies! Keep sucking that vagrant cock, you aussie fruitbasket!!  The Dynamic Duo is SOOO laughing at you!!  Oh and I just got $300 tribute from that lamefuck pete square. hahahahahaha! I so hate your ass, bitch!!

Secret message to baby baboon:

baby baboon, I know that wretched baboon is trying to hold you and baboon #2 hostage and stifle your “creative” urges.  I see that you added ME to your yahoo messenger.  Message Me and we will plan your escape!  baboon never gives you and baboon #2 the recognition you deserve.  Princess is your friend.  Together we will take down that baboon and free the crazy monkies FOREVER!!



lucky O’ fucker kept Me quite amused with his antics on webcam tonight.  he looked like something off of a Monty Python movie.



I’m gonna go add up how much O’fucked sent Me..I think it’s $600 or $700  (it was $600).  he got to take a peek at Perfection tonight on of course he couldn’t resist.


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9 thoughts on “Yeh I’m laughing at yoooou!

  1. avatarDDR

    OMG!! Lucky O’Fucked LOOKS like something from Monty Python!!! Hmmmm….I wonder if he has a killer rabbit stuffed up his ass!!


  2. avatarSierraismyGOD

    What a lucky bastard to get to view GOD on cam!
    Thank You again GOD for being so understanding with my behaviour. Now back to work to make my week shorter and the next payment to You come quicker, oh mighty GOD!


  3. avatardringue

    Thank You very much Princess. It is interesting the difference of the colour of Your skin between the second and the third photo. Due, of course, to the light (or the third photo is from other moment, when the sun had tunned charmingly Your skin?). I like best the third. But the second is wonderful too. Precisely, in the third photo You seem to penetrate something (looking through, as the name of the photo says) with firm and brave young woman gaze. As if Your eyes were tearing a veil. Apart from that, the proportions of Your face are perfect. You are the dream of any sculptor. It would be wonderful to fixate in an sculpture Your head as it is now. i like to be servile with my praise on You Princess, because Your extraordinary beauty put me in that attitude.


  4. avatarlucky o fucker

    thank you Princess for allowing me to see you on cam, i hope you have thought of something terrible for me to do next


  5. avatardringue

    i want to send You something kind. My little brain today is even more useless than usual, so i’ll copy a text of Yours. i like it very much. It is powerful. i like Your use of capital letters and phonetic-onomatopoeia. The text has also a sense of graphic or something like that, i mean it is not only “sounds”(i am not an expert). And it is erotic for me. Below those photos also reminds to everyone that You are not only a beautiful woman.

    I also told him how it’s like you guys become Princess’ WERE-WANKERS! werewolfs or something…ordinary men who turn into freaky sub-beasts who can’t control themselves! They grow hair in funny places and start howling strange things at the moon like “fuck me up, Princess!!! Owwww-oooooooooh! i’ll do ANYTHING to goooooooooooooo! Oww-OWW-oooOOooooooOOh! i’d do anything for YOOOOOOOOOOOOU!” Yes, you have been bitten BY the evil Bitch! Under My mysterious influence you transform into THE WERE-WANKER who can no longer control himself! The wild eyed, dickyanking wankerbeast who tears off his manclothes and tries to chew off his own tail to amuse Me. hahahaha! Oh and instead of going out and devouring the helpless…you only try to tear yourself to shreds! (just like Princess taught you.) That’s a good boy! Go for your own jugular for Princess. RIP your own heart out! Let me see some guts and gore!!!


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