Ye unholy masses.

$1,000 from deryck t who disappeared seconds after he sent the money. Really, are such a BORE sometime. $400 worth of yummy steaks from Allen Brothers from toiletbrush, some items disappeared off MY amazon wishlist and sissy christina sent $215. twinkie just bought MY contact lenses. I know I am forgetting other donations..but I really am too exhausted to think straight. yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn

A video message to all you worthless asswipes who have not made yourselves useful to PRINCESS recently.


(This clip wouldn’t work on aol browser for me)

I’ll have a few little video clips available for members only as soon as I get them resized. Took a road trip today. I’m exhausted! Going to work on clips.

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8 thoughts on “Ye unholy masses.

  1. avataranonymous

    guilty! i havent been giving “recently”.
    i will shop Your wishlist immediately.

    Princess, how could have become more beautiful? But You did!


  2. avataranonymous

    I will never understand how your astonishing beauty and wayward expectations have corrupted my every thought. If i had a wish, and wishes came true, I’d wish to serve you each day in person and at your whim provide the debasing entertainment you choose for me. I have become what you have made me. My orifices will accept all firmament and juices you choose to enter. When I have money it is yours. And, I’ll always pay you for the suffrage.


  3. avatarbitchybeauty

    Yes it’s uncanny how I only get more beautiful with every passing day. I think it has to do with the vampire affect I have on men. you will notice how My slaves seem to get more haggard and used up looking over time–it’s almost like they rapidly age! Look at deryck for an example! Here’s a photo of him in 1996.
    Now he’s the friggin GATEKEEPER!!!
    I just seem to get more and more lovely, full of life and sunshine, and more glorious every day! I don’t just take their money and pride, I tap their life source, I suck out their vitality, I get more breath-taking with each man I devour! I I take it ALL!


  4. avatarbitchybeauty

    you say that like I GIVE A FLYING FUCK that you jerk off!!!

    If a penis isn’t signaling a male to SPIT out cash and prizes for MY amusement and profit, if FAILS to be of any importance at all! 5 inches of wasted flesh you got there, slimeball! It’s nothing but a friggin TUMOR dangling between your legs, a puss-filled man-ulcer, and if it legal I would personally saw off every penis belonging to voyeristic, selfcentered, nonproductive wanker-losers like you with a very dull bread knife and feed it to MY fishies.

    GET outta MY face and take that infested coldsore between your legs with you!


  5. avataranonymous

    Come on Princess, Don’t You realize that for every guy who has fallen completely under Your spell there are 10 more in waiting in the wings to be destroyed by You in the way You have destroyed so many before us? So many have fallen before us but we alll feel that we will somehow find a better fate. Deep down we all want to be destroyed by You just like Yoou destroyed beerboy. For each one that falls, the rest of us are brought closer to the brink.


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