ya’ll know I could whoop your ass!

Update: Hey lesbian power shopper!! I added some stuff to MY amazon wishlist I really want!

I want all those Wonder Woman tees and that hoody too! Get ME the massager and the Harley leather vest too! I also would enjoy the motorcycle helmet, webcam, bullet belt, fedora, wrist cuffs and hmmm everything else I just added to the list!

Hurray for Me! I woke up to a $1,000 donation from old man!! Another camera phone shot cuz I’m too lazy to take real ones.

I’m wearing the leather cuff that twinkie got. I have a few more on My wishlist..get them. I love wearing them.

Keep My Bod in Ass-Whoopin Condition. Change the quanitity and pay for as many sessions as possible!

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8 thoughts on “ya’ll know I could whoop your ass!

  1. avataranonymous

    Only Princess could look so flawlessly beautiful in a cell phone picture. She is perfection defined.


  2. avatarliljoe5001

    That is a great photo even if it’s it with a cameral phone. The title of your journal entry is sooooooooooooooooo true.


  3. avataranonymous

    You are the ideal of any perv. An intelligent and young woman, glorious in Her beauty, who knows what they are worth, who gives them nothing, and who appropriates of the few things that they possess. Acting this way sincerely, without hypocrisy neither deceit.


  4. avataranonymous

    Tremendous Beauty is always beautiful – doesn’t matter what sort of camera is used.

    Princess, You are very muscular. Your training is worth to be paid for, compliment for Your trainer as well. (not that You were not muscular before)But the whole training gives You a marvelous shape and Your nice boobs give You a very attractive but at the same time aggressive look.


  5. avataranonymous

    that camera cell phone pic of Princess actually is intimidating! Princess is sooo attractive yet Her movie star looks & physical attributes would scare & intimidate any male. i could never approach someone like Princess at a bar or in a street…no matter how many scotches i drank. i know i’m not in Her class & will never be.
    mark francis


  6. avataranonymous

    It is very nice to be free to praise You Princess. I give You thanks for that right. I will exercise it now describing your face.

    I like your forehead. It is high, wide, without any wrinkle. It suggests me intelligence and control. On your eyes it seems
    to me the residence of some kind of strategic high command. I think you are proud of it, because you don’t hide it with your
    hair. It is a kind of a mark of superiority. A kind of a mark of nobility.
    I am not inventing this things Princess. I am not lying. I am trying to tell the truth.

    You have a lengthened face, with robust cheekbones, fleshy lips, narrow chin. Your factions look to me as if they had been carved in wood. I feel this way about them due to the contrast between Your cheekbones and Your lips, for one side, and Your chin for the other, that makes your face look tight.

    Your eyes demand immediate atention. Anyone can’t ignore them. In part bacause you have a penetrating way of looking, that reveals a permanent mental activity. In part due to their beautiful color and their shine.

    I think your nose gives Your face a touch of strength. The kind of sign that warns anybody who are with You, that You can be hard. That
    You can be agressive in certain circumstances.

    I woud say that you have a balanced face. No part dominates the others. All of them are alive and are important. And anyone of the parts of your face, in an ordinary face, probably would unbalance it. The face of the person who received it, would begin to rotate around it. The part of Your face lent to an ordinary person would become the center of her face.


  7. avataranonymous

    (Sorry Princess. It is a second version of a previous compliment).
    This is one of my favorite photos. Here You have a sort of inhuman beauty and inhuman perfection. You look supernatural; that’s why, in other compliment, I put wings on Your back. It is not a paradox showing You as an angel. Angels are not tender criatures. They are not good neither generous. They are only messengers of God, that in his Jehova version, of the Old Testament, can be evil, narcicistic, and vindictive. An You look like an angel of that God. The God of the jews. The old one. With Your beauty, Your perfection, and Your mystery. And the other creatures of the Earth (including the others women) compared with You, as You look here, crawl in the mud on their bellies.


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