Woot!Woot! More clips!

Woohoo just got $1000 from some schmoe name russell briggs. Dude is drunk off his ass in a hotel and I’m making him guzzle down more! Maybe I can get another $500 out of him. Yay!

$100 from wimpydog and $500 from smalldickSD who is going to be soooo fucking poor this week because of ME and MY videos. HAHAHAHA !

Some of you guys are having probs viewing the free clip. I don’t know what to tell you. It works fine for ME on realplayer and quicktime and it works on aol on one of my computers but not the other. So hell if I know what’s up. Keep trying different players.

Better look fast, because I don’t plan on keeping this free clip up for long!
Watch Princess fluff Her hair!

Members: I added a few MORE CLIPS just for you, suckass!
One of Me showing amazonaddict/liljoe the boots he bought.
One of Me telling toiletbrush about his penalty.
And one of Me admiring Myself.

Sound quality isn’t the best. I still didn’t fix the mic problem. My videos have you boys worked into a lather! Prepare to be ROYALLY SCREWED!!

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2 thoughts on “Woot!Woot! More clips!

  1. avataranonymous


    It is unbelievable to me that one WOMAN could posses as much cruelty in HER mind and soul as YOU. But THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
    YOU are amazing


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