Whoops. I just damned your soul to hell. :)

poo! I just started My period! I knew that little tiny mini-period I had not long ago meant I was gonna have 2 this month! $*)$%^!!*@

After I pig out on chipotle a few more times this week, I’m gonna hit the low carb diet again. Well, not the real low carb diet, just no more sugar, rice, bread, potatos, pasta, starches. the bad carbs.and I’m going to eat lots of fruits, vegetables and meats. I was sticking with it pretty good for months but I’ve been so bad with My workout and diet this last month because I have been riding so much which leads to eating on the road and skipping MY workouts. I think I packed on only 2 lbs. I’m surprised because I’ve been chowing down and doing jackshit besides having fun and goofing off. So back to My fitness routine. I’ll be making you guys stock up on steaks, low carb goodies and stuff like that. Going to try to start going back to the gym more instead of working out at home for a few weeks. Time to get RIPPED while I RIP you off!

Check out My new Honkin Harley ManStompers (I think My 3rd pair) that amazon shopping addict got Me. Hell I might get struck by lightening wearing these badboys!

I so tricked stupid ass sissy christina out of $500 last night. First he could swore he could only do $200, but after making him do a slew of shots he wound up sending Me another $200 plus promising to send Me a crispy $100 bill in the mail today. We played this drinking game called Drink or Dare. I would dare him to do things like cut up his wife’s business suits with a pair of scissors or eat a turd and he would always chose to drink. (Of course I knew he’d chose to drink) It didn’t take long before sissyfreak was totally tanked! father flatulence sent Me $300 and had to say 200 Hail Sierra’s. father flatulence is so being turned into such a little PrincessPagan. you know I just bought you a one-way ticket to hell, padre! HAHAHAHA
Burn baby burn! Welcome to the Princess Inferno!

More updates later!

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1 thought on “Whoops. I just damned your soul to hell. :)

  1. avataranonymous

    Do You like hard rock music, Princess?
    The song Hell’s Bells always makes me think of Your irrestistable power. Then this LJ just made me have to send the lyrics (modified a little to honor YOU.)

    I’m rolling thunder pouring rain
    I’m coming on like a hurricane
    My lightning’s flashing across the sky
    you’re only young but you’re gonna die
    I won’t take no prisoners won’t spare no lives
    Nobody’s putting up a fight
    I got My bell I’m gonna take you to hell
    I’m gonna get ya, Sierra get ya

    Hells bells, hells bells
    Hells bells, you got Me ringing
    Hells bells, My temperature’s high
    Hells bells

    I’ll give you black sensations up and down your spine
    If you’re into evil you’re a friend of Mine
    See the white light flashing as I split the night
    Cos if good’s on the left then I’m sticking to the right
    I won’t take no prisoners won’t spare no lives
    Nobody’s puttin’ up a fight
    I got My bell I’m gonna take you to hell
    I’m gonna get ya, Sierra get ya

    Hells bells, hells bells
    Hells bells, you got Me ringing
    Hells bells, My temperature’s high
    Hells bells

    Hells bells, Sierra’s coming to you
    Hells bells, She’s ringing them now

    Those hells bells, My temperature’s high
    Hells bells, across the sky
    Hells bells, they’re taking you down
    Hells bells, they’re dragging you down
    Hells bells, gonna split the night
    Hells bells, there’s no way to fight

    Hells bells


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