We’re Back!

We're Back!


We had an awesome weekend!  We flew out of town and went to our Stevie Nicks concert and had the best front row seats and shook Her hand.  I took these shots Myself, great seats, huh?  She sounded awesome as usual!  Then we went out to a dyke bar and looky who was there!!


 Jennifer Beals!  She has a huge lesbian following because She is one of the lead ladies of the LWord.  (She’s the chick who was in Flashdance.)  Can you believe  She is 45 years old? She is BEAUTIFUL in person. I mean, Beeeeeautiful!  The soft look in Her eyes and Her smile. Wow!   Anyway, Me and My girl had a great weekend and a totally fun time in the city.

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4 thoughts on “We’re Back!

  1. avatartittyboy

    When i scrolled down and saw the first pic after reading “looky who was there,” i thought that girl looked kinda like Jennifer Beals, but she’s way to young. Of course the only time i ever even heard of “L Word,” is when i’ve read it mentioned in this journal. So i haven’t seen her for a decade and just assumed she’d look older by now. But just like Princess Sierra, she’s only grown more beautiful over time.


  2. avatar~the Female fan

    awesome! i’m a huge stevie fan Myself….looks like You had amazing seats! glad You all had a great weekend!


  3. avatardringue

    i had listen, for the first time, a little audio clip of Your alcohol-therapy section. Your voice, playing
    cat and mice with the bastard, is full of joy and sense of power.
    As a prayer to You says:

    I dare not look upon the triangle of Your
    power for I am most unworthy

    The capital letters are in the poem.


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