wankaholic strikes again!

Do you think this counts as a manstomper boot fetish?

Here’s My shoes that I have lined up in My laundry/utility room off the back garage door. It looks like a damned japanese lumberjack sushi party! What’s uncanny is that I have 3 or 4 more stacked above My coat rack which you can’t see in this photo, 2 pairs on the opposite wall that didn’t quite make it in the phtoo, probably 10 or more pairs in MY bedroom closet, 2 or 3 in the closet next to the front door and another 10 pairs down in the basement that I don’t wear all that much and god only knows how many more boxed up in storage and I think I still have a pair or 2 on My amazon wishlist. hahaha (amazon addict, those ones with the orange thingies on them are the Harley boots you bought and yes, those are your sunglasses on the bench. I still haven’t decided what to spend your GC’s on.but don’t fret, I’ll use them up so you can soon buy ME more.)

Another $500 from wankaholic! he just can’t stop can he?! Perhaps he will be the next deryck! I’m encouraging him to drink more from now on! Speaking of deryck. That despicable flea contacted ME hinting that I needed to send him “stocking photos” to encourage him to fulfill his duties. FUCK you, you runty, neurotic bastard! I AM NOT SOME FUCKING KEWPIE DOLL! When you get the attitude that I have “dress up for you” to get what I want, is the minute you step across line into the danger zone because that makes ME want TO CRUSH you. I DON’T need to do JACKSHIT BESIDES HAVE A LOT OF FUN AND ENJOY MYSELF. I KNOW what you are up to and what you are! you’re pure filth, deryck. I don’t think there is another man who I would enjoy sawing off his testicles as much as you. you truly deserve to suffer for being such a putrid fuck.

blackpooch gets to sleep on the bathroom floor again tonite. Check on him on yahoo sag817. Or you can see him here. blackpooch cam. Unfortunately, when you view using the page link you won’t see him all the way because I cant figure out how to resize the box.

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1 thought on “wankaholic strikes again!

  1. avataranonymous

    Your Royal Highness

    i want to congratulate YOU on such a massive collection of boots, all paid for by YOUR losers. Which ones are YOUR absolute favorites?

    How much does blackpooch hasve to raise for YOU on Keen? Can YOU put a sample of his work on YOUR page, so we lowly peons can get an idea of the service he provides?


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