Woohoo! Another prezzy from turdmuncher. I thought he was done, but evidentally he isn’t! he just bought ME a coach bag! $328 plus express shipping. Here it is! In black, not khaki.
UPDATE: vintage furfreak wants in on the action too!!! he sends $1,000 as well!!!!
Here’s another audio clip by request. This one doesn’t sound like total shit like the other. This will probably take longer to download.
The sound quality on this SUCKS and sounds like MY mouth is squashed to the receiver or something but I just couldn’t regulate My voice on this livejournal thingie at all. Might want to turn the volume down too, cuz it’s LOUD!
frenchywhoremonger reported he got another threat. $4,500 he owes now but he just sent $500 more of it. Thumbs up, girl!
Jeeeezus! Look at what I have to open today!