toiletbrush $1,000 shop-a-thon!

toiletbrush $1,000 shop-a-thon!

Update: uncle pigfucker is up to $2,000 of tributes now. 🙂

Update: Make that $1,500 from uncle pigfucker!

Update: uncle pigfucker just sent $1,000. I’ll be calling you tonight from MY cell.

Another Domme just sent Me this. heehee Which one of you fucktards put that up? hahaha

I just got done screwing toiletbrush out of over $1,000 of merchandise. I got a $300 coat, $300 worth of tees, thermals and panties from Victoria Secrets, a sexy swimsuit cover-up, 2 pairs of tall jeans, a new dress, $50 boardshorts, 4th Season Box Set of the L-Word, $30 mascara and some play clothes from Alloy.

twinkie also just picked Me up a sexy pair of designer jeans. Hopefully they will be long enough. Shopping for Princess is SWELL!

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2 thoughts on “toiletbrush $1,000 shop-a-thon!

  1. avataranonymous

    Princess the Great!
    You are so powerful in ripping our wallets. When i read You got again 1.000 or more i get immediately an erection. They say the whole brain of a man is in his balls, well i have to believe it, this reaction just shows how right that is.


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