The Nicest Thing to Wake Up To First Thing

The Nicest Thing to Wake Up To First Thing

Update:  $300 from shitpig! shitpig has become a FULLBLOWN JUNKY!   david the guy who sent Me amazon GC’s a few days ago sent another $100 today too.  I write him a little email saying today would be a great day to send another GC and like clockwork, I received it. 🙂   you need a nickname, david. ..just david is so boring.

Yes the Best Part of Waking Up, is 1 grand from some sick pup!

Looky what I woke up early to! $1,000 from that foreign old guy george! Yippppy!  Not sure why the time says 12:49p.m..maybe it’s because he’s overseas or the site’s clock is off or something? 
According to the email he sent, he sent his tribute at 9 a.m.  he always sends his payments in the morning and they are so much fun to wake up to.

I’m not done with your torture session, grampa freakpie.  I’ll call you tomorrow afternoon for part II.  So far here are some of the findings from guinea-gramps afternoon of misery and woe.  Wasabi isn’t that effective on the dick and balls. It burns hard for a few seconds and this disappears.  Tomorrow we are using habanero.  he stuck 100 pins in his balls.but I wasn’t satisfied because they were falling out. Tomorrow he is going through the balls 2 times with each needle.  This time the needles will NOT fall out.  gramps pin-cushion!  gramps’ senses seem to be dulled with age.   he can burn, stick, and abuse those balls and hardly make a peep.   So we gotta BAM! take it up a notch!  Now as far as the toenail.  I’m not quite sure if this toenail he ripped off is really up to par. I am going to have him send it to Me in a TIGHTLY locked ziplock bag for inspection.  I think he mainly got the top layer. I want the entire friggin toenail.  I’m sure peering at his bloodied toenail is going to give Me a migraine.  Any slave who pisses ME off this week will be eating gramps grody toenail for dinner! Oh lord, I’m on the phone with grandpa right no w and he is telling ME about his hernia.  hahaha WTF? I am this guys best friend I think. his cruel, cash-grabbing, emotionally abusing BFF. hahaha Really. I am fagarina’s BFF too.he has no friends, just his evil Princess.  If fagarina crashed his car, or won at Bingo or something who’d be the first person he’d call? ME!  hahaha Sometimes I do a social service to you lonely losers by taking the time to laugh at you and rob you of your cash and pride.  There should be some majestic statue made in MY image and erected somewhere for ME.  I am such a humanitarian.

fagarina hasn’t been very interactive online lately because his computer is SO fucked up and he’s afraid to get it fixed because he thinks the computer guys will go through his stuff.   It’s so bad he can hardly stay on yahoo messenger, so I am allowing him to use the BEST BUY card he got for ME to use, to buy himself a low-end computer. Pretty fucking nice of Me, huh?  Yeh I’ll say it again. I’m a FREAKING HUMANITARIAN!  I deserve MY face on a stamp or something.

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9 thoughts on “The Nicest Thing to Wake Up To First Thing

  1. avataranonymous

    Princess Sierra, thank You very much for Your new photo. It is lovely. On account of Your wonderful navel, an on account of Your enticing decision of ruin the photo. i was thinking in Your profession. In it’s practice, You are taking advantage of an evolutive mechanism of the homo sapiens (more proper Female Sapiens). If you see something that it is very very beautiful, if it smiles to you, if it can laugh with (or better at) you, it is difficult to consider it as an enemy. If it try to convince you, try to reasoning with you (For example: “We agree that this” leaving therapy “will also make me happier in the long run.”)You tend to consider it a friend. An old chap. A comrade. But You simultaneously abuse of him, humiliate him, isolate him, consider him inferior, and You can say him also terrible things (For example:“Remember louey, if something happens to your sick wife…I’ll be there…yes, Princess will be there to pick up the pieces… and scatter them in a hundred directions. Yes My fat fuzzy pet, I’ll be there to kick you while you’re down. *giggle*”) Well, that disorient the poor fellow (i mean, the filthy pig). i think that in that way You are creating a gap between what he see and the meaning he gaves to the object seen. This gap is terrible. Devastating. he can anymore rest on that evolutive mechanism. he can’t trust anymore in what his discernment.
    You have broken it!


  2. avatardrop_deadred

    Gads, Princess!
    He’s just going to start ripping off little parts of himself and sending them to you for tributes. I don’t want no Freakpie ‘rhoids comin’ through the mail. EWWWWWWWW!

    Miss you back here,


  3. avatarbitchybeauty

    Yeh thinking of seeing grandpa’s toenail is pretty freaking disgusting! But I wanna make sure he really yanks the sucker off! We should send it to Jackie or hide it in her salad or something! heehee oops did I say that??


  4. avataranonymous

    You are a trap for the mind of the man who loathe himself. Like those elemental questions that heroes of old Sci-Fi movies(1) asked cannily to apparently allmighties computers that ruled the world. And the poor computers – because, beyond the appearance of strength, they were essentially weak -, catched by the unconsistency or by a logical paradox contained in the question, begun to work faster, faster. And suddenly explode.
    You are that unhinge irresistible question.
    (1) But we all know that heoines always were much better.


  5. avataranonymous

    Princess, i have and idea, and i thought it would be nice to tell it to You. A technique aimed to avoid permanently that a guy has “normal” sexual relations. Make him anesthetize his penis, and when he doesn’t feel it anymore, oblige him to masturbate. he must find the way, in that condition – stimulating his nipples, his anus, his lips, pressing his slept penis with his thighs or something -, to ejaculate. As a lowly male, i think it is possible. Once he found the way, and (very important) once he can feel real pleasure doing it in this way, he should repeat the same method of masturbation during a long period. Not only the anesthetic, also the method of stimulating himself. To make it permanent and replace the old macho disgusting way, that is forbidden forever. Say, repeat the technique every day for a period of three months. As you repeat a piano exercise. (Sorry if my suggestion is too naive).


  6. avatargrandpafreakpie

    although PRINCESS has been exceptionally kind and good to me, she writes about me as if anyone who looked at me or touched me would automatically catch some wierd disease or something. oh well, i’m 80. so, what else could i expect from the astonishingly perfect beauty of all time? PRINCESS continues to become noticably more beautiful every time she steps before a camera. contrast her ever-improving beauty with my regression to even being more disgusting in appearance every time PRINCESS observes me on webcam, which leaves me with nothing to give HER but a tiny handfull of dinero to fed-ex to HER whenever i am able, which i shall always do to the max for as long as She allows me the privilege. i worship and praise PRINCESS as the SOLE LIVING GOD SHE truly is.


  7. avataranonymous

    i love this answer of You in an interview:

    Question: What is your favorite type of play?

    Princess: Mind games, financial domination and extreme humiliation.I love seen just how Low a person is willing to go for Me.


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