The New Year Starts with you getting BANGED!! Right up the WAzooo!

The New Year Starts with you getting BANGED!! Right up the WAzooo!

Update: Just got $350 from randy mersche.

Well like every other New Year, I start out all gung-ho about getting in shape and eating better. Me and all MY friends are all going to work hard this month to get back on track with spinning, working out and staying on our diets which we absolutely fucked up during the holidays. We got 5 months to get into great shape for our May vacation! Spinning classes start back up today and I get back to MY personal trainer monday. Sooo I’m going to buckle down and get serious with MY fitness again.

I’m also going to get back to MY redecorating and remodeling. That’s going to mean more shopping for you. I got a bunch of Lowe’s cards I got for Christmas from you guys. I know I want to get a few new ceiling fans, a new under the counter stainless and black microwave, more window treatments, door knobs and new hardware for MY kitchen cabinets.

Who is the david who got Me the Columbia parka off My amazon? I love it! I’ll be wearing it when I drive to the gym today.

Here’s a pic of  fatmac’s $250 worth of Lowe’s cards.

I’ve been at My GF’s for a few days. Still need to photograph more of the stuff, I’ve gotten recently.  Shoes, more Lowe’s cards, clothing, games etc.  fagarina sent $200 cash,  $200 from that annoying irish guy, another $200 from jackoff judas, $400 from lesbian goldcard , $200 amazon GC from  a brand new guy calling himself euro trash loser and $200 anonymous amazon GC.

$80 cash and $400 Lowes gift card from icky nicky heeeheeee.  Oh he also included the tackiest necklace I’ve ever seen. .a  god-awful gold looking thing that says ‘Laura and Nicky’..supposedly the first gift he ever gave his wife.  awwwww..ain’t that fucking precious? Click to see full-sized.  I’ll throw that in the trash later today.

K Gotta run! Later

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