The lou can not escape! The baboon is damned straight to hell!

Just got $100 from a guy from india. Oh Mah Gawd he is sooo ugly. Doesn’t this pic look like it came from India’s Most Wanted??? heath sent $300 tonite. Haven’t heard from his lame ass for awhile, not that I want to. he’s a fuck up. I’m not talking to him again. There’s something gross and creepy about him.

Look at the sweet little email I got from the lou accompanied with $500!

Princess Sierra,
Transaction Amount : $500.00
Transaction ID : 593xxxxxx

I’m sorry I’ve been so selfish – worried about my card balance instead of you.
Thank you for reminding me and letting me add to your vacation fund.

I’ve been very confused since we spoke. I keep trying to walk the line; enjoying a little of both worlds.
I thought I could serve without it costing me my life, my family. It’s obvious that to truly serve one eliminates non-Princess disctractions, but I thought there must be a middle ground.

Do I want a middle ground?

What trauma would I put my family through if I gave them up?

Back and forth – the values of my life. I think I’m starting to love you.


The baboon is shirking in the corner in shame right now. he just sent ME $300. he’s waiting for lightening bolts to strike him because he did some very naughty things with a bible today. he’s sure he’s going straight to hell now. Of course I got pictures of it all. 🙂

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