The french whore loses another $1,000!

I just got another $1,000.00 out of sinking frenchy! It’s amazing how guys who SWEAR they haven’t a dime to their name can mysteriously start pulling cash from their ass ONCE you scare them up enough! hahahahaha

fagarina sent $50 greendot, some perfect jeans showed up from fatmac, another $75 from eric in Ohio, received 2 $100 pay-for-MY-trainer tributes–both from guys I have never spoken to and latexlover donated another $300 towards MY winter vacation. Oh yeah and twinkie got ME 2 pairs of 8-panel biking shorts cuz spinning KILLS My crotch! Another $300 Sears gift card came from slutty suzy. It said to Princess and I’m not sure if 200 goes to Veronica and $100 is mine. suzy get back to ME because I’m getting confused by all these Sears cards that keep showing up. hahahahaha. Haven’t we maxed that Sears card yet? We haven’t?? Well, I guess we better get busy, huh?!?!?

Well, I started tanning yesterday for my trip. I absolutely hate tanning and I think it ages women, but I need to get a little bit of sun, otherwise I will FRY by the time My vacation comes in december. I also will be gone for about 4 days in january, so there’s another trip you fools can expect to pay for and I also plan on going somewhere with MY sisters in april and will probably be there for two weeks. So many spending opportunities for your freakpies! Hurray!

fatty, you dipshit. I make you spend $60 on nutrition bars and you bought the wrong ones. You got the correct Peanut Toffee Crunch bar but then you ordered Peanut Butter and Jelly and the EAS Caramel Apple! you stupid fat head! Well, luckily for you, the peanut butter and jelly is better than I expected. I haven’t tried the caramel apple but it doesn’t sound very appetizing. Since you can’t get online orders straight on power bars..I guess I have to send you out to the nutrition stores, which I would think would be kinda embarrassing when you are a 500 lb slab of flab! Yes everytime I go on a diet, it’s your picture I tape to the fridge.

It’s time for another round of pretty Princess photos. Need to find something I want to wear for it and designate one of you tards pay for it. Hopefully I will get that done by next week. I still have to find more work-out wear for fatty to buy. Still enjoying MY work-outs immensely. I’m buying another 40 sessions today, so I’m in it for the long haul.

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