We wanna go to this restaurant called The Pearl. Get Us gift cards for it!
Update: $1,000 from sissy tommikins!! The pictures I sent of Us on hockey night were just too amazing! he caved and immediately paid! yaaaay!!
screwy stewy I sent you the email for the email I want you to send the cash to. That other email is no longer active, so make sure not to send to it.
screwy stewy: My framed art showed up today! LOVE IT! I also decided to send back 2 of the 3 cast iron candle holders you got Me. They were WAY bigger than I imagined. Hopefully Amazon will give ME the credit. This return was a bit different, because it was such a big box. Keep an eye on your credit card statement and if you get any amazon refunds let ME know, so you can quickly compensate Me!
Make My Heart Beat Faster with COLD HARD CASH for Valentine’s Day! Since I started totally ignoring My birthdays, this is now MY Holiday. My sweety took the day off and we will be spending it together. Wining, dining..and other ing words you are not even allowed to think about. you will all stay close to your computers sending Me your cash or shopping MY wishlist and fulfilling MY every heart’s desire. Feel free to fuel your desire for Me with liquor as you click pay buttons and max your credit cards! **Pinky wave!**
fagarina! Did you buy your new wig yet, you flaming fairy berry?
I can’t get enough of Etsy and it’s one-of-kind items. Also.I try to choose items made from Females. So your money goes to an artistic Woman and I get the item I want!
Infinite Beauty Knick-knack
Mermaid Box
Magic Knick-knack