Enjoying beers in the back of the pickup truck after a long hike with MY favorite Ladies.
$1,000 from the ukraine tonight. Yay! I can barely make out a word this guy says but I totally dig taking his cash!! Saw him on cam this evening. I’m sure I will have disturbing dreams tonight.
$300 came in from sharon the binger girl-slave but she hasn’t contacted Me yet. How weird. sharon, $300 is NOT enough of your blubby hubby’s cash. Send another $300 and make it snappy!
$1000 cash from hairlip this week, $500 cash for HRC PLUS a ton of shopping! hairlip has been paying $30 daily tributes for 500 consecutive, uninterrupted days! That’s $15,000! But keep in mind, that’s only his base line. he showers Us with gifts and cash on top of that! That’s pretty friggin awesome! Me and HRC laugh about him and devise plans to squeeze cash out of him on almost a daily basis! Wouldn’t the rest of you LOVE to have Us plotting about you that often!??! HAHAHA! Seriously!! More of you assholes should show daily dedication. Serving Me should be 24-7! We don’t run on your worthless dick’s standard time! Anyway, hairlip is So helplessly trapped in the Lesbian Sandwich of Awesome!! Between MY luscious hair, beautiful face and wicked mind and HRC’s bulging biceps and gun-toting tough girl Hotness, he is ONE SCREWED DUDE! WE SOOOOOOOO OWN you, hairlip!!
Two Australians popped up this week and both got quiet soon after being fleeced. Why are all the “down under” dingbats such elusive freaks?? Always popping up and disappearing right away. Australian #1 sent $150 Amazon GC and $250 cash. Australian #2 sent $220 cash and $80 shopping.
$100 from louzer, $300 from mystery pig just as I demanded, kenny bought $200 jeans and sent $200 cash. slavey davey also shopped this week. he bought a bird bath set, an expensive Athleta hoodie, tops and other goodies. pantystain bought some more Salomon shoes, some Niche perfume and sent Me a special box of Metaphysical goodies. Some guy keeps buying Us Omaha steaks! Love it! I know I’m missing other donations. If I didn’t mention you here, you obviously didn’t send enough..so send MORE!!
mystery pig. It’s time to send another! Squeeeeee!
dave ansar you were a HUGE disappointment. See you closed all your accounts like a fucking flake! Fine. What EVER, I can totally skip communicating with your lame ass but I still expect those $100 bills in the mail! Put your money in the mail and go back being a big ZERO.
Jo Malone Body Cream hairlip
Metro Slouch capri get size Tall L in Black (have these in navy and love them!) hairlip
Chi Top Grey size L
Techie Hoodie size Tall L in Navy Heather
Striped Hoodie in Red slavey davey
Eddie Bauer Soft Shell in Crocus Purple size Tall L slavey davey
Gate Check Tshirt size Tall L in Clematis
Sleeveless Tee for HRC size S in Violet hairlip
Maxi Dress size L in cranberry
Atlas Jacket size Tall L in Orange
Infinity Tee size Tall L Charcoal, Dusty Orange from slavey davey and Crocus twinkie