Tag Archives: atmslave

pigsnot! Shopping slave addict makes contact!

pigsnot!  Shopping slave addict makes contact!

Guess who just called?  pigsnot!  he said he can’t shop right now..but he will do his best to start again!  I’m adding some big $$ items to My wishlist because the longer he stares at them..sitting there..waiting for him.his name written next to the items.”pigsnot shop!”..the stiffer his grisly old man dick gets and the faster he starts popping those credit cards out!  I think I’m going to add a $200 juicer to MY wishlist..Stevie has Me talked into trying juicin’.  Such a gross term though.  Start dipping into your savings and your retirement!! It all really belongs to US, pigsnot!  The Bitch Queens are ready to ride your credit card like a platinum pony!  Yeeeehaw MothaFuckas!  We want to spend all your Buckarooooooos! I am convinced that Me and Stevie magically conjured up pigsnot last night by discussing whether or not he would be back for more shopping..and if so.whatever would we add to our wishlists now?? hahaha!  Very next day..he’s sniffing around like a desperate little doggy. Oh..stewy just sent $50 donation.  Pinch Me.  Yeah, that was exciting. Condoms with teeth I hope they start selling these to chicks in the US! I’m sure all your wives wish they had one for your pin dicks  . Speaking of teeth..I got My teeth Zoomed yesterday.  Holy Fuckoly!!  I have gotten other teeth whitening in the past..but they were kinda like Zoom.but like in the mall.  I thought they were the same as Zoom.but they certainly aren’t quite the same.  This was the $600 Zoom at your dentist..(but I got it cheaper with a coupon–look at Me be frugal for once!).  Anyway..My teeth are Krazy with a K WHITE!! The whitest white on the chart now. But it fucking was surreal how sensitive MY teeth were for hours afterwards.  It still gives Me shocks from ice drinks or hot drinks!  OWWWWW!!  It would be sweet to force one of you bastards to go through 2 full sessions of Zoom, one right after another.  It would be the cruelest torture EVER.  I can’t imagine going through EIGHT 15 minute sessions of that shit in a row!!

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