Suprises from lou-zer (otherwise known as screwy louey)!!

Suprises from lou-zer (otherwise known as screwy louey)!!

Yippy Skippy! I just logged into My merchant account because I got an email from lou saying he sent another tribute, I look around and I see that lou has been a busy boy and I didn’t even notice. On the 23rd whilst Princess was deep in Nyquil slumber, louey was visiting My tribute page.
1:13:56 AM 100.00
3:06:06 AM 300.00
3:59:04 AM 300.00

and tonite he did $250. Nice, louey! Keep it coming, My boozer lou-zer!

$400 from sharon’s hubby.

I Awww man I have been SICK the last few days. I slept soooo much yesterday. My sleeping schedule is all screwed up.been falling asleep at midnight, napping in the afternoon and finding MYself unable to sleep in the A.M. YUCK! I’ve had an AWFUL cold, but I think it’s kinda breaking today. I could actually taste My food a bit today. Sooo here I am with My box of Puffs Kleenex watching Tivo’d Ghost Hunters and feeling ooogy. I better be feeling better for MY Halloween party Saturday night!

Now what I wanna know is why don’t ALL OF you MORONS have one of these type of shrines in your house??

I like the sparkley gold border and the glitter tiaras and hearts, gramps!
Yep, that huge monument to MY perfection is grandpa freakpie’s place of worship. hahahahahaha!! Ugh, one of the pictures of his shrine had grandpa’s grisly, scaley purpley, cadaver foot in it. I almost blew chunks looking at it!

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3 thoughts on “Suprises from lou-zer (otherwise known as screwy louey)!!

  1. avataranonymous

    Princess SIERRA each time i visit YOUR site i say to myself to never visit it again. But each time i come back longing even more to open my wallet for YOU. Every time i have sent You a tribute i have cursed myself. But after a while i’m doing it again. Princess YOU are beyond everything. i think all of us should do much more efforts to make YOU known and to make sure the real rich bastards give in to that blissed addiction. You are the perfect Exploitrix.


  2. avataranonymous

    Movie Alert for Princess Sierra: Prin, the Grindhouse:Death Proof on PPV. good but the last 30mins is where it is at,very good you will like. That is if you already did not see it LOL,very nice shrine also Princess.And I hope you get well soon.:-)


  3. avataranonymous

    Most beautiful Princess Sierra what would it be like to open a poll with the question: How often do you visit Princess’site?
    1. Once in 3 months – penalty: $ 50,-
    2. Once a month – penalty: $ 25,-
    3. Once a week – penalty: $ 10,-
    4. More than once a week: good boy, keep paying Princess
    5. At least once a day: Open your wallet and say Alleluia


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