
Spring time is here and i am finally getting started on my weight-loss program.  DDR is having me email my weight at the beginning of each week (as well as periodic pics to show the progress of my fingernails now that she has me buffing them and oiling them regulary) with any subsequent punishments to be determined by Princess Sierra.  Up to now, even though I would never dream of running around shirtless ever again, I could at least feel comfortable in loose t-shirts on top of super-tight under armour to hold in my bouncy boobs and often erect nipples.  I’ve tried to distract from my feminine eyebrows (and perhaps look smarter) by always wearing glasses, and always having a little 5 o’clock shadow on my face.  By being a larger sized guy with buzzed thinning hair and all the above, I’ve felt at least partially comfortable that I could still keep my sissification somewhat secret in my regular public life.

But today, Princess made me call for an appointment to finally start getting the laser hair-removal done on my faced as well!  It has always been my dream that someday I could be like a wise old-man with a gray beard, and who knows”-maybe even find another woman to spend my final days with?  But there will be no female flavor to savor for the rest of my life . . . bye bye mustache forEVER!!!  And even though I’ve been keeping my arms epilated all winter when I could wear long sleeves, I had been hoping to stop before short-sleeve season begins, but Princess said, “NO!”  I have to epilate legs, arms, and underarms year-round!  It keeps the hair away for a few weeks at a time, but eventually there will be some stubble for a few days before it gets long enough to re-epilate and now I won’t be able to hide it!  Add to that the fact that I can no longer wear male pants and that Princess said my next pair of glasses have to be with female frames, I don’t know how I am going to be able to have an ounce of confidence left to look anyone in the eye and carry on a conversation at all like I have always done.

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About tittyboy

Princess has taken away my entire tax return again as well as all of my heterosexuality and is gradually taking away my manhood in retun for a set of real titties, which are the only things i'll get to keep forever.

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