Site’s back!


Checked MY mailbox and found that $500 arrived from The Queen of Diamonds Un-royal fool.

We still need flowers for Valentine’s day.  Here’s the VDay list again!


This shot is available in a bigger size in that new gallery I just put for members only.  Eeps.My journal was down since 10 oclock last night or some shit. It’s back now.    Pissed ME off, cuz it went down RIGHT after I posted MY new stuff.   So most of you are probably just seeing it now.  Warning.  Warning. Warning.  Do not view the new members videos unless you plan on being separated from your cash..because nobody can resist The Princess’s wicked charms up close and personal.

roboslave a quick note.  Are you aware that you sent Me $600 instead of the $300 we decided on last night?  hahahahaha  I guess MY programming is really working!  you are accidentally doubling your payments unconsciously! 

fatmac sent $100 restaurant GC and we are picking out lingerie for MY girl since the one we chose is on backorder. 🙁  he will buy that too.  yeh, I made him a little personal video clip and ol’ jabba is pussified to the max right now.  Hell, I could get fucking anything I want from ol’ fatty..I just am going easy on him, because he still has at least 20 years left of shopping to do in the future.

 western union man is doing another $420.  I need to run the charge right now!   Oh yeah $75 from stuey the thing. More updates later!

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8 thoughts on “Site’s back!

  1. avatarfatty

    Princess had made me do some shoppping earlier but then she and her gf decided I should buy a V day present for her GF, and then they decided for me that it would be two prezzies. She reminds me of how whipped and wussified I am and the video just completely reinforced it. Her 20 year comment is so scary though, because she ‘s always right about my wimpiness and I’m so scared of and addicted to her. In fact, she’s making me type this right now to publically admit it. I don’t even want to think of how much stuff she has gotten out of me for herself, gf, friends, family, etc


  2. avatarmark francis

    pleeease Princess, can You give me honarary access to Your members site..pleeeease. i look at Your jornals & pics every day for ever and i need to see Your videos pleeease!!
    valentines coming up…lonelinest time of year. You must have a girlfriend looking for a man….pleeeease give her my email address.
    mark francis


  3. avatartittyboy

    Oh, that makes sense . . . an obnoxious copycat-pervert lusts after Princess Sierra’s free content all the time, so he thinks he ought to get a free membership . . . and on top of that he thinks he ought to be fixed up with a real Woman! Nah, i’m sure he doesn’t really think that at all . . . he just wants to get attention for being so obnoxious. Whatever!


  4. avatarsmalldicksd

    I love when you wear those wrist bands. You are the most beautiful Dominatrix in the world and that’s why I have served you for so many years. Thank you for taking my money and turning me into your little toy. Your new videos are great. I am sending you two more crispies in the mail today. I just had to!

    All my love and admiration. Your tiny slave in South Dakota.


  5. avatarDringue

    i like also Your pessimistic messages:

    – your going down! (You say it in a gif image)
    – Hoorah for alcohol and depression! (from Your journals)
    – he’ll never learn to satisfy a woman (it is not literal, from a video)
    – Suicide is your only answer.(journals)

    They make me sink and feel terror.


  6. avatarmark francis

    tittyboy, you are right. i don’t deserve it for Princess to give me special treatment. By the way, you are looking sexier by the day. Did you know i stare at your pics? i’d beg to have a hot tittyboy call with you. i havent been with a girl for years & again received not one valentine card. i’ve found myself having naughty thoughts about being with a guy now. i find you especially attractive as you look feminine. my doctor says i have to put on weight as i’ve been dangerously losing weight over some illness. it makes you not want to eat & you lose your thoughts & energy. mark francis


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