hahaha! sissy tommikins had an awesome month!! $3,700! Still, after spending that much he texted ME to confess he was jealous that pantystain beat him to buying LadyCop’s gun holster. hahaha! I wonder what will happen to his poor little brain once he gets his box of precious sniffables!?!
pantystain bought HRC a shoulder holster for Her Glock 19. What a nice surprise to wake up to!
Another surprise..an “old flame of shame” has been shopping on MY amazon gift list. I received 2 $50 boxes of kitty litter refills from him. Yes, you haven’t shopped for a LONG time, tom. Go hit MY wishlist again..I know you miss it terribly!
GIFTS GIFTS GIFTS! Shop My little piggy followers!
Framed art! Push BUY IT FRAMED. I have it framed how I want. Yay hurray! screwy stewy bought this!!