Sheryl Crow

This is kinda weird. I swear, I have the ability to conjure up uncle pigfucker! Last night, I was thinking..hmmm..just where is that british wackjob? I thought to Myself..ya know, if I think about him long enough, he’s sure to feel MY powerful vibes and come running to his evil syren. So I concentrated for a few minutes and mused over just how much I hated his guts and thought about what fun it would be to empty his checking account again. 11 a.m. I wake up and guess who I have an email from?? The pigfucker himself!! he lost $3,000! If anyone cares to look at the it is.

HAHA lou, I see another $200 you little vermin you! hahaha you can NOT resist My charms, can ya?? Do it again!!

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5 thoughts on “Sheryl Crow

  1. avataranonymous

    Hi Princess,
    Hope you enjoyed the concert. I could see you sitting several rows in front of me during the concert and you seemed to be.
    I was going to say hi but I thought that might be unwelcome.
    Isn’t Sheryl Crow something special?


  2. avatarbitchybeauty

    Really? Was I on the left,right, or center? What color was I wearing? What was I doing? How do you know it was Me if you were looking at the back of MY head? Arent you the guy who said you would be wearing a priest outfit to it?? Who the hell goes to Sheryl Crow dressed as priest. I hope you got rained on.


  3. avataranonymous

    I recognized you easily when you were walking into the concert with your female friend. I have seen your picture many times and you stood out.
    You were in the front right as you face the stage. A few seats from the aisle. When I looked over at you you were often dancing, playing with your hair and having a good time.
    The priest outfit was supposed to be funny.
    I did get rained on.


  4. avatarbitchybeauty

    Hmm…sounds about right. Good thing you didn’t come say hi. you are a noncontributor. I would have kicked you in the nutsack for reading MY journal and not paying.


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