amsterdam ham got Me the $160 mirror off My amazon wishlist. Good work!
$500 from sissy tommikins! he also went to the bookstore and got his ebony dream dick!! I’ve been on a roll, bitches! Keep it coming in, boy toys!
fagarella the internet sissy whore just sent $2,000! hahaha! Dumb fucking auss-tranny! fagarella is notorious for wasting financial dominatrices’ time. But I have mystical powers and can smell when he has cash. I totally ignore him until I smell the scent of his Australian dollars mixed with just the right amount of alcohol..then POW!!! Fuck every dime out of him! Fuck you, fagarella!
Oh almost forgot louzer sent $200! Bout time, louzer. you’ve been hiding for too long! Come back in your wife’s panties and pay some more!
just sucked cock number 12 for Her Royal Copness…big black dude with a huge black cock! He watched shemale clips as i sucked his cock. sucked him for over one and a half hours! had to reload the video machine with a twenty for Him four times. He was dominant with a really big dick…awesome!!!
You are so lucky, Tommikins.