

Update: Just got another $400 from french2beused..bringing his total for today to $900 🙂

Seems My 3 new photos have enticed a few hiding slaves out from their shells. msub came out and lost $400. I’m bored of his name msub. he picked it out. Now he is m-robot or robo-slave!! Then that annoying cyber-whore french2beused sent $500. jackoff judas sent a measly $100. judas, you cheap fucking bastard! Go do another $100. Ok, Im gonna go off and look at carpet and paint for the kitchen. Here’s some funny parts of Me and M-robot’s convo today after he sent his first $300.
mrobot: its been soo hard without you
mrobot: i miss you soo much
mrobot: but soo scary
mrobot: you taken everything from me..i had no friends
mrobot: lived in crap house
mrobot: in every night
mrobot: scared
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: hahahha
mrobot: please, mrobot loves his creator
mrobot: please forgive me GOD, i am worthless shit on your shoe
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: yes you are
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: with not even 400 dollars
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: how pathetic
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: a grown man without $400
mrobot: permission to go get some dinner please Goddess
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: no, starve
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: you have to pay 100 to eat
mrobot: but please i need to eat
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: noooooooooooooooo
mrobot: i need my life with nothing only GOD so badly..whats wrong with me.
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: you need to give all to ME
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: and have NOTHING but ME
mrobot: i know its true, i want it to be true..but so hard..feel so worthless with nothing
mrobot: feel need to focus only on my controller
mrobot: one true GOD
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: rat droppings for dindin
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: or 100 more for Princess if you want real food
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: hahahaah
mrobot: my life is so empty
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: yes it is
mrobot: so meaningless
mrobot: you took away all my freidns before
mrobot: just stay in alone
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: hhahahahaha
mrobot: i need direction
mrobot: focus
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: you need to work harder
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: sacrifice more
mrobot: i will try this week get more money as GOD deserves everything
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: 200 this week
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: 100 penalty for making GOD wait
mrobot: but
mrobot: ..mrobot will obey
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: hhahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahaha
mrobot: mrobot will build a shrine and pray daily to GOD
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: good
mrobot: stay in everynight until GODs word is done
mrobot: mrobot must focus now on GOD completely…whole life outside doesnt exist anymore
mrobot: permission to goto bed Goddess?
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: yes go to bed hungry
mrobot: i am starving now…
mrobot: may i have water
mrobot: and when should i report back
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: no
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: go to bed
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: you cant afford food and water
mrobot: omg, i`ll die…i beg to be allowed food/water tomorrow
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: die
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: I guess you dont think your life is worth 100
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: that’s ok. I dont think your life is even worth 25
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: hahahahahah
mrobot: my life is worth 100…sobs…i am something
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: hahahhahahahahahahaha
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: no you arent
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: My broken toenail clipping is worth more than your life
mrobot: no no no please
mrobot: i am something
mrobot: i must be
mrobot: i cant be nothing
mrobot: cries
mrobot: cant handle that
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: NOTHING
mrobot: you are GOD
mrobot: sobs
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: m-robot000
mrobot: nooooooooo
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: hahahahahhhaha
mrobot: please odnt do this to me my GOD
mrobot: you are too pwoerful
mrobot: dont crush me
mrobot: please
mrobot: cries
mrobot: i am not nothing
mrobot: mrobot kneels, in middle of cold floor on own crying, with only image of GOD in front of him
mrobot: i can feel you towering over me
****(Princess meanders away from Her computer to do something, but doesn’t bother telling robo-slave)*****
mrobot: feels life in an invisible cage
mrobot: i can sense bars but not see them
mrobot: doesnt feel life i can escape
mrobot: just blackness all around
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: hahahahhhahaha
mrobot: oh..its not funny..please…just let me go..mrobot hangs head in defeat
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: are you thirsty?
mrobot: oh god yes
mrobot: mouth soo dry
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: hhahahahah good
mrobot: hangs head
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: you’ll get thirsty enough soon
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: and find that $100
mrobot: yes my GOD….will you let me out of cage, of darkness/loneliness if i can find it
mrobot666: you deserve everything
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: I wont let you out
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: I will let you have a drink and food for a price.
mrobot: oh god
mrobot: i dont even know how i got in here
mrobot: its soo scary
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: My photos always make you come back
mrobot: omg..i dont know how
mrobot: do they brring me back in this cage
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: YES
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: I knew they would
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: when I posted..I knew you’d hop on yahoo
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: and sit there
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: waiting for Me to pluck you again
mrobot: i must be programmed..i didnt do deliberately, i wasnt aware
mrobot: i not come to cage on purpose, i scared in here…i have nothing in here
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: Im drinking a nice cold drink
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: I think I will be going out for italian for late lunch.yum yum.
mrobot: oh god
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: bread with olive oil and garlic
mrobot: such dry mouth
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: some nice seafood linguini
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: sprinkled with fresh parmesan
mrobot: i love seafood
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: its MY favorite
mrobot: in a cream linguine sauce?
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: sauce
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: I love white sauce and seafood
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: on pasta
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: I never get red
mrobot: mmmmm
mrobot: totally agree
mrobot: spoils fish flavour
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: some nice wine
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: I’ll be dipping MY bread in the yummy oils
mrobot: oh GOD..please let me drink..even just s sip of water
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: slurping up My mussells and shrimp
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: Im drinking right now
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: so cold
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: chug chug chug
mrobot: ohhhhh staring at GODs image
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: the glass is wet and cold
mrobot: dreaming
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: my fingers leave little marks because the glass is chilled
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: how thirsty you must be
mrobot: kneels at feet, praying droplet of cold water from frosted glass falls in mouth
mrobot: strecthing mouth and neck wide
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: I know
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: you’d be so happy if I spat some in your mouth
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: but alas
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: you dont have another 100
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: how sad
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: MY parched dry little freak
mrobot: reaches out with tongue in desperation…i could try 100..see if it worked
mrobot: ohhh please
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: yes, you could try My thirsty little robot
mrobot: i am mrobot
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: m-robot goes straight to MY paypage
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: m-robot is programmed to do this
mrobot: m-robot hears and obeys
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: just like a toaster toasts bread, and a can-opener opens cans
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: m-robot pays Princess
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: it was what he was designed for
mrobot: m-robot follows his programmed commands, this is all he lives for, he has no other programming except that set by the controller
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: yes
mrobot: m-robot program complete
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: hahahahhahaha I KNEW you had another 100
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: m-robot gets robot juice and robot food for his supper
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: mrobot lives to see another day
mrobot: drinks a sip of water..sooo refreshing, tastes best ever
mrobot: m-robot awaits re-programming
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: m-robot only lives for his next orders
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: m-robot brain is in hibernation 24/7 unless he is serving PRINCESS
mrobot: m-robot only lives for his next orders
mrobot: brain is off permanently unless serving PRINCESS
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: yes. robo-slave
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: robo-slave is turned OFF unless PRINCESS has use for him
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: then a little red light shines in his head
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: and he goes straight to the paypage hahahahah
mrobot: can robo-slave hear you say this on yahh call PRINCESS please, robo-slaves craves voice
mrobot: how does robo-slave turn ON?
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: I post a picture
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: or on MY journal I say “m-robot ACTIVATE”
mrobot: yes PRINCESS
mrobot: robo-slave will turn on when picture is sent or hears words “m-robot ACTIVATE”
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: yes INSTANTLY
Princess Sierra a.k.a. GOD: mrobot has no control of this

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