Resolution: Learn/Experience Oppressed Feminine Type

 To avoid any misunderstandings, i adore all real women–especially enlightened ones. So my New Year’s resolution is to experience the perverted version of femininity that men have used to oppress women over decades and centuries. Of course this doesn’t mean that everything feminine is based on oppression–much of it is preference because it is sooooo damned hott!!!

The two main areas i resolve to experience this year are the obsession with weightloss (beyond the positive goal for good health) and what i’ll call ‘sexual altruism’–meaning my own sexual pleasure will be put aside, perhaps for the pleasure of others. It is a crime that so many women are actually expected to enjoy all sex without any clitoral stimulation. So i will try to spend as much time as possible, if not the entire year, in some form of chastity. i’m considering the kind that requires a frenum piercing to keep it in place. And since i am at my heaviest weigh of my life, the other main half of my resolution will be to lose at least 80 lbs. within the course of the year.

Since i have no real-life friends to keep me motivated, i will ask some real Women to be my online ‘girlfriends’ to keep me from straying or backing out. Princess Sierra already has more than enough info on me (including work, school, family, accounts, etc.) to force me to comply with anything She decides. But to ensure that when She is too busy i will still be totally obedient to Her real-life girlfriends too, i will send contact info for all of my immediate neighbors to Stevie and DDR (VTG already has it). So any time i am afraid that what they tell me to do might be too embarrassing in front of my neighbors, i only have to imagine how much worse it could be if they sent information directly to my neighbors or even called them about me. And of course Princes Sierra could give them more ammo to use against me any time She felt like it.

So before i reconsider what i am getting myself into, i will post a list of specific goals and rules to go along with the two main objectives listed above (all subject to being modified or supplemented by Princess Sierra, VTG, DDR, or Stevie):

Diet will be extremely restricted to achieve the most extreme results.

Hormone levels (estrogen & progesterone) will be increased.

All non-feminine body hair will be either permanently lasered or temporarily epilated or waxed.

Face will be kept clean shaven, if not permanently lasered by the end of the year.

Any masturbation will involve nothing more than my own boobs or booty.

Fingernails will never be cut–only filed when they break, snag, chip, or get to be over 1/4 inch beyond fingertips.

Eyebrows will be continually plucked into a feminine arch.

No new clothing purchases will include anything made for men. By the end of the year, my entire wardrobe will consist of items made for women, although for times when i must dress in a professional manner, i will be allowed to buy female items that at least look more masculine or androgynous.

i will keep a yahoo calendar up to date which can be accessed or modified by my online ‘girlfriends.’

Extra keys will be sent to Princess Sierra so that She and/or Her real-life girlfriends may inspect my house and belongings unannounced to ensure that i have not kept any unauthorized clothes or anything else they deem to be contraband.

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About tittyboy

Princess has taken away my entire tax return again as well as all of my heterosexuality and is gradually taking away my manhood in retun for a set of real titties, which are the only things i'll get to keep forever.

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