Quick update

Quick update

Update Make that $700 from deadman dan! hahahahahah! sissy tommikins just bought Me a goose down comforter off MY amazon wishlist.
you too can shop MY amazon wishlist!

Update just got $500 from deadman dan too! 
Ok, here’s just some of the screenshots of today’s MANY fine transactions! Here’s   screenshot of $1,000 of dec 26 transactions on one of MY merchant systems. These include deadman dan’s and horse’s ass payment.  (The other $300 in the grand total is from a charge from the day before.)
Here’s another $500 worth of transactions from today. I believe this includes pervert postman’s and the irish guy’s cash. Of course, there are even more transactions spread out on several other payment systems today and loopy sent some of his loot in the mail.   🙂  WoooHooo  Keep it rolling in, you sad-ass lonely freak trolls!  I’m LOVING IT!

I had a wonderful Xmas. Did you boys hang around online all night waiting for Me?  awww such a shame.    I received $400 from the pervert postman, $400 from vintage furfreak, $250 Lowes card from fatmac  plus a pair of  tall jeans, $480 from loopy for legs,  $300 from horse’s ass (that newer slave I picked up not long ago) and $100 from the freaky irish guy$40 came in the mail from a guy calling himself “wilder”.   Princess fan got Me 2  Guess shirts and a wireless controller for My new game system.

loopy, I expect a nice chunk of that paycheck on friday..or else!  I’ll be sending you that contract about that settlement cash too. heehee!

I’m home tonight. We’re just lazy around enjoying our free time together.  I’ll be accepting phone calls tonight.  Later!

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3 thoughts on “Quick update

  1. avataranonymous

    Princess, reading the journal of Your pigs, is reading about You, of course. But from other point of view. You appear there from outside. It is a testimony that completes the inner testimony of Your own writings. Giving us the opportunity of get a more complete portrait of Your Human Superior Being.


  2. avataranonymous

    It is obvious that You are generous and You have good feelings with Your female equals. That makes us, males, feel, in front of You, more worthless yet. Because You look like a Goddess that protects one of Her kids – only on account of Her gender -, and expels the other to the bad weather: the cold, the rain, the mud. And we adore You because we love to feel ourselves low and unwanted.


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