Princess sticks beerboy joe for 800!!

Update: Watched Xman 2 with a friend and ate pizza. It was better than the first one. Yeah beerboy joe called and sent another $800!! Yeah!!! That little fuck is still on MY shit list cuz he sounded like he was goinng to drop another 1000 and then ran away all scared.
pornpie freak just popped up and sent $300. here’s his newest outfit.

A cigerette fetish guy called and spent $150. I couldnt get any of the shit done I wanted to tonite, I had calls for hours straight.I’m exhausted now.

Still plugging away on Our new forum board. We will be hosting chats there too. It should be interesting with so many dommes in the room.
Ugh.I’ve been up all night working on AllStarDom we’ve got to do traffic stuff and link up everywhere which each an enormous chore. We’re all really slammed and stressed out from the workload but excited that we have our own forum without any boys running it. Yeah for US!
Start getting ready for the holidays because we are going to have guys entering the Christmas photo challenge.
I want some really crazy Christmas gitups.of course fagarina and pornpie will probably be entering but others of you who want to participate can contact ME and be given a creative Christmas costume if you are too stupid to come up with one yourself. I want a bunch of little sissy elf pictures!

french to be used happened into the board and I weaseled him out of $200, some new guy named strangelittlecock donated $200 and friend to lesbians sent $300. harborslaves little $100 came in LATE! Kinda a slow day in the prezzie department. Boo!

My water fountains came toiletbrush, but I think I got to return them, they sorta make funny mechanical sounds instead of pretty tinkly nature sounds. My package from Bendels finally showed up too.

Ok.Im NOT promising this on stone.but I might do webcam on Sunday.perhaps waay late Saturday night when I get back. not come whining to Me if I don’t.cuz you all know how I lose track of time and forget about MY promises.

Ok gotta run!

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