Me and senor doggy and his sidekick pequeno had a little shopping spree yesterday. Pretty fun!! Can’t wait for all My hot new jeans and pumps to get here. 🙂
I had a very wild thursday and friday. I had like a zillion little stalkers in the bars. I wore the light skirt that senor doggy got Me and the cute little wedges toiletbrush got Me. All eyes on Princess! I stare at My OWN legs when they are all tanned like this. God Almighty I am a sexy bitch! I swear men should have to pay a toll just to lay eyes on Me longer than 5 seconds. Tonight I’m staying home and recovering. We have a bunch of netflix to watch. Since it’s been so hot I might haul someone on a 3mile midnight walk to help me burn of those Long Island ice teas. I’m having a panick attack thinking about how many calories they have in them.