Update: $200 from screwy stewy.
Update: $400 from toiletbrush. Got him drunk again!
Update: Just got $600 from sissy clarissa and watched him make sweet love to his humungous new black dong. GROSS! HA!
Back from My road trip and had a blast! Me and some friends have decided we want to go on another road trip in a few months..either west or down south towards TENN, ALABAMA and GA. So who’s going to pay for 5 girls to rent a luxury RV and go to all the hillbilly hotspots??!?! I think it will be a blast. I only want to travel in one of those super luxury giant RV’s.and I want WIFI in it. I can’t imagine what we will see in those RV parks! I’m sure it will be a surreal adventure. hairlip, ready to fund another vacation?? HEEHEE!! Oh another thing hairlip, that last thick silver ring you bought..never got here. Look into it!
Well since I’m refreshed and reinvigorated..I’ll be doing phone calls this week. Give ME a call..if you DARE! 614-525-1212
Stevie wrote another hysterical journal! It’s like a total breadcrumb trail for pigsnot to follow, straight to our loving and ever welcoming AMAZON WISHLISTS! I know some of you ass-eaters have gotten tax refunds that you have not forked over to your ROYAL HOTNESS yet! HAND IT OVER, bitch!! It’s MINE!
fatmac, I haven’t boxed up those shoes to return yet..but plan on doing it today. In the meantime, you can buy Her another pair!
I’ll be adding more items to MY wishlist today!