Possible internet problems tonight.

I got a notice that My internet might be down tonite. boo hiss! I can still read emails from My mobile. If it this is the case, you should be able to get a hold of ME by phone but not yahoo or aol messenger. I got another Scifi series I wanted to watch show up today in the mail, so I will probably be planted in front of that for most of the night having another tele-thon.


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3 thoughts on “Possible internet problems tonight.

  1. avataranonymous

    i love Princess the hate that sometimes appears in Your voice. It is like the Sun in the dawn. In those moments Your voice trembles a little. With an internal slight tremor. It seems to me that in those moments that feeling overcomes you. It is like a sob that someone is trying to contain, but She/he can’t because the sadness is stronger than Her/his will or ability to hide it. But in Your case the sob is made of hate. It is made of loathe. Excecration. Wish of extintion. It makes me feel small. In front of that enormous and powerful hate i feel like a little kid at the foot of a mountain. i love also that you can show that hate for anybody. To show that hate You don’t need a rude male. Or a male who harmed or offended You. You can feel it for a male who is a nobody. A voice on the phone. Even You can feel it for a kind and generous male. i like that because it seems to me that your hate is Absolute and Perfect. Because it is not caused by an action of the male. Your hate is against what the male is. And so it is inescapable. Because You hate all his aspects. And he can change all his aspects to avoid Your hate because in that case he would annihilate himself. So he always will receive your powerful and not polluted with compassion or reasons to hate – hate. Please Princess; never change. Keep Your hate sharp like the edge of a knife. Never stop of hating us. If possible, increase it. Cultivate it like an ability. Like improving Your tennis or something. Never stop of thinking us as garbage with no right to exist. Your hate is our proper coat.


  2. avataranonymous

    Sorry Princess if the compliment about the hate in Your voice didn’t like You. I got the idea listening one of Your wav files, I liked it, and I begun to write about that idea – I don’t know if about You. It is difficult trying to say something in a non conventional matter as domination, to make matters worse in a foreign language, without taking a risk of bother, offend or something.


  3. avataranonymous

    Dear Princess,
    I am going nuts. I decided that there should be some moments i should think about you. It’s easy to pick some moments out. I choose the moments i make love to my girlfriend. Yesterday evening i only thought about YOU and YOUR POWER while making love to her (and it happened not for the first time). That is very intense.
    Should I settle in my mind for more special moments? F.i. when i’m in church, with my parents etc. It’s frightening when i decide this it’s definitive everytime this moments appear.


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