Pissy Princess

Ugh. Poor Princess. I have the worst cold. I’m all drugged up on cough meds and carrying around a box of PuffKleenex. And to top it all off, I started my period a few days ago. I am not a happy camper. To make things worse I have to travel. I will not be answering my home phone until thursday. Those of you with my cell phone can try that #, I should be available in the evenings and I’ll be playing on the internet on MY SideKick in transit. If you want to talk to me by phone and you are a contributing piglet, email me for MY cell phone. I don’t give out My cell # to those who don’t make regular donations. I can’t believe only 2 freaks purchased a snotrag! I thought I’d be selling these things by the dozen!! Lord knows I have dozens and dozens of used Kleenex to spare. you all fucking suck! you should all be lining up by the hundreds, pushing and shoving to get in line to buy My “bug”. I was invisioning you little pudwackers all trampling each over like those geeks at walmart waiting for Nintendo Wii’s. hehe you should feel lucky to share MY germs, you no good fag scum! toejamjam bought a kleenex and some dude who said he talked to Me a long time ago calling himself booger eater got one too. booger eater upped the ante and promised Me another $500 if he successfully gets MY cold. Fingers crossed.
Fuck you all! ***LONG HONK in MY KLEENEX!*** I hope all your fucking dicks fall off! I have a headcold and I want to slit your nutbags and watch nutguts drain out on the floor because you don’t have a headcold. Midol+Nyquil=OneMeanBitch.

you’re not getting any new pics until I feel better! I was expecting to do a shoot this weekend, but this cold hit me hard! stocking top, there will be some special shots taken for you..and you know you are going to lose THOUSANDS OF $$$$$$$’s when I take them!!! you better make fucking sure your entire paycheck is sitting in your banking account ready for ME. Until then, send some more fucking money just because your stupid enough to do it!

twinkie and lesbian gold card both sent ME $500 donations because I was having a shitfit on the phone and they seem to love Me even more when I bitch them out in a nasal voice and sneeze in their ear. fatmac got Me a blazer from gap. deryck, I see you are snooping about. Email Me and beg to get screwed!

Other smaller donations have been received and unappreciated. tata

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