Peep Show

Peep Show

western union man: you better call ME PRONTO! your wife called Me yesterday.

Heeheehee Check out how fagarina spent his Easter! he got to call Me last night and hear Me and MY girlfriend play poker, drink cocktails and make fun of him after our Easter DinDin. he was totally pussified. he put 2 crispy $100 bills in the mail, one for Me and one for Her. So I made him paint his peepee yellow and glue googly eyes to it and make it an easter peep. Well I instructed him to first decorate his penis as an easter egg and then have it spontaneously “hatch” on cam and out would pop his yellow “peep” penis in which he would tenderly place on a plate full of other marshmellow filled “peeps”. The hatching wasn’t near as magical as I imagined but still, it was silly enough to make us giggle. Yes, fagarina rarely fails to amuse. Too bad I can’t say the same for the rest of you.



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4 thoughts on “Peep Show

  1. avatarAnonymous

    have you ever been called to testify in a divorce? you’d be a husbands worst nightmare telling the judge how much you got out of him and what sick things made his dick stiff.


  2. avatarsierrasstevie

    HOLY DRESSED-UP DICK!!!!! I am dyyyyying laughing at the site of Faggys oversized vagina, wearing it’s Sunday best and flopped onto a plate of peeps n fluffy Easter grasses. BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVO, PRINCESS, BRAAAAVO! Pure & beautiful humiliation for the laughing….HAHAHahahhahahaahhAHahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. Faggy -you and your jaundice-junk WILL be the topic of our bwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaasss for many an Easters to come. I’ll be sending that pic to EVeryone!

    Hey Floggarina….in lookin at the “squatting pic”…are ya sure you didn’t crap that yellow-bone outta your brownstar?

    My stomach hurts from laughin…yet, I mini-throw up with visions of flesh colored peeps dancin through my head.


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