Oy vey!

Note to fatmac:  I added the pics of the candles I received to MY slideshow.  Annoyingly, instead of sending Me 2 green apple candles like you ordered, they sent ME 1 green and 1 hideous blue. I’ll have to exchange it, what a fucking bother. Also added the photo of hamilton beach grill that was received.

I get all the sexy-est slaves.




Added a few goodies to MY gift slideshow. I finally am going to be able to hang up that huge framed art that someone bought ME! It will be hung in MY den this weekend. It took forever to get here! It’s awesome. Also pictured is the Extreme router, the PS3 charger base, the heart monitor watch and the DirtDevil electric broom.

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12 thoughts on “Oy vey!

  1. avatarherlacaust

    dont let all this negativity drag you down mr jew piggy, your fine, perhaps a bit of time like me at auschwitz would help slim you down a bit


  2. avatarjewish pig

    i am so embarrased from my pics but Princess has kindly offered to take them down if i pay her a large sum of money which i cant afford so they might have to stay . Thank you so much tammy i would gladly accept a brazilian wax any time from you DDR I cant t


  3. avatarjewish pig

    i am so ashamed of my pics. i thought i was good looking for piggy standards but the more i look the redder i become. Princess has kindly offered to take them down for a large amount of money that i can not afford so they will prob stay which i hate so much . thank you so much for your comments DDR i worship what ever you have to say thank you for commenting on my uly pic Tammy i would gladly take a brazilian waxing from you any time. Steavie I love and worship you and Princess I thank you so much for commenting on my pics and pointing out my man boobs I am so proud of them as they make Princess lagh thank you for making fun of me. I hope one day i can speak to you together with Princess to hear you both laugh and degrade me


  4. avatarfatty

    Sorry to hear about the candle screwup, Princess. From the pic, I can see why you’re upset at them. I hope they get the replacement to you soon.


  5. avatarAnon

    Humanity has been set back centuries.
    Please remove these photos as soon as possible.
    Leaving them up may cause the universe to implode.


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