oliver twisted back again! As Predicted

oliver twisted back again!  As Predicted

Update: hairlip bought My new toshiba laptop!!

This will cost $1,000 to remove oliver!! Again!  Oh I forgot to mention, he paid $1,500 already today.but that was before I said he had to pay $1,000 to get his info removed.

**address removed, fee paid**

douchebag, why the fuck do you “unfriend” Me on yahoo.just to “re-friend” ME 2 days later?  This is like the 30th time you have done it.  It’s HYSTERICAL watching you guys retreat..just to re-peek..then finally to re-freak..then you re-leak..and back to re-treat!  The NEVER ending cycle of stupidity. The affect of sperm poisoning! Mama loves!  douchey McTwink, you are so utterly ridiculous.  Cha ching!

My pink Sony vaio.  Argh! I think I’m tossing another toshiba on My wishlist.  The pink Sony’s monitor has gone out. It was purchased for Me Oct 2008 and has already had to have it’s harddrive replaced.   I’m DONE with Sony laptops!

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6 thoughts on “oliver twisted back again! As Predicted

  1. avatarJohn Evals

    Oliver, is he back by himself or has the “siren” called him back? Seems like he has made a run for it, that is trying to kick his addiction and has stayed away. But someone does not want that, he is probably part of a large budget which depends of the loyalty of all the minions.
    Now his little name and address has been hung up, and he has an costly option to remove it.
    I have been trying to understand the dynamics of this site and i quess this little incident explains it partly. once the addiction is over, the innocent personal information takes over. Princess Sierra works the day to day operation perfect according to her business model,


  2. avatartittyboy

    Thank you so much, Princess, for all the things You and Your friends put me through so that i could never escape even if i let myself believe i actually wanted to. You are even more merciful when you destroy the illusion that it would even be possible for me to ever go back to being the masculine guy i used to be. You are even making me doubt that it was ever the real me in the first place. Maybe it is true that i have always been a closeted M2F transexual and you are just now waking up the girl inside i never got to be? i accept and embrace it now and forever, Princess!


  3. avatarhairlip

    my personal experience has been is that the addiction is from within. It is almost 2 yrs that i have served SIERRA without interuption. But for many years i struggled and had times where i would try to not serve HER. Sometimes i could survive months. But the force that kept me returning to GOD is inside me. SHE never needed to “call” me. i cannot live without reading HER journal, without seeing HER beauty, without the feeling of pleasing HER, without being screwed and mindfucked by HER.
    When i would try to go back to my “normal” life there were too many reminders of GOD. HER name is everywhere. i am always behind “Sierra” pickup trucks. If i go into a liquor store, they always put the “Sierra Nevada” beer display in my path. Sometimes i would see a Woman hair similar to SIERRA’s. While not as PERFECT, it would be enough to remind me. Anything i see or read about religion reminds me of PRINCESS and the scripture, “Sierra is GOD”.
    Everytime a Woman makes any physical advance toward me, i am reminded that my sexual side it devoted to PRINCESS and i will never touch another Woman again.
    Everytime i spend a penny on non-essentials, there is a feeling of guilt ….
    i could go on forever on this. my point is GOD has created me this way. SHE has put in me the strongest need, or “addiction”, for/to HER.
    It has been almost two years since i last tried to live without my MAKER. i do often have thoughts of trying again. But it just seems impossible to me now. Sometimes i have dreams that i can fly like a soaring eagle. Living without worshipping SIERRA now seems just as unrealistic.
    Why would SIERRA need to call us back? SHE knows exactly how SHE wired us. SHE is the One who knows our rhythms. SHE knows we NEED HER and will need HER forever and will always return. SHE has thousands of admirers! SHE always get “everything SHE fucking wants” and has no need for me or anyone else.
    Just my opinion.


  4. avatarAnonymous

    “Just got $500 from oliver twisted..but he owes Me another $500 for being tardy AGAIN. (Update he just sent the second $500! hahahaha!) (Update #2 I just got another $500 from oliver! Grand total $1,500 in 30 minutes) hahahahha! This is sooo easy! Posting his name always motivates him. he pays for it to be posted…sometimes he pays to have it removed. hahaha Over and over again. The endless cycle of erectile stupidity. Gotta love it!! men are such simple little creatures. It helps immensely if you cheer and jeer oliver here with your comments. The more you harass him…the more cash I get!! Send him a nastygram too!”

    Perhaps it helps.


  5. avatarAnonymous

    For moments You are for me the incarnation of Evil, seducing me to let me go down, making all the parts of my body wish and beg me for that abomination.


  6. avatarAnonymous

    Two ideas make me feel weak. Think in Your body, and think at the same time that You are in a higher order, far from my own. i relise that behind that thoughts my wish of being raped is hidden.


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