Update: Few cute goodies from hairlip Diamond Star Ring, these super awesome earrings, this little diamond pendent necklace, and these big sparkly star earrings. he also sent $200 but I won’t be surprised if he doesn’t beg to send another $200 before the day is through! hahahaha! UPDATE: he sent another $200 minutes after reading this entry! So $400 today and all his sparkly prezzies! 🙂
twinkie bought 2 of MY favorite $30 mascaras and 2 lipglosses for Me.
Oooh it’s time for fagarina’s Christmas sissy video special. he’s been a reindeer, an elf, fucked a real snowman and a few other yuletide christmas travesties in the past years. Anybody have any creative ideas for this year’s freaky faga-festivities?? Before you start feeling sorry for yourself, fagarina..be glad that you aren’t the unroyal fool! he had to suck a twitchy, drooling, mentally retarded guy this weekend we affectionately call “rainman”. And you think you have it hard! HAHAHA unroyal fool’s cockloving lips: My generous holiday contribution to the handicapped and mentally challenged. “Derrrrrrr..Merry Fucking Christmas!”
old guy george sent Me $1,500 this morning! Hurray!! $400 from sissy tommikins, $100 from david, $50 and a pair of Timberland boots from sissyboi, $200 from a dork from canada I call lovesmytoots, $200 cash from fagarina plus $150 BP gas card.
Oops shows on I wanna watch! I’ll update in a few!
Here’s a shot from the dinner/cocktail party we all went to Saturday.
Wow Princess that picture is stunning! 🙂
Gorgeous photo of two power beauties. My wallet cringes.
Seems like a snowcone made from the yellow snow might work
you ladies are beautiful….do you have a slave who does your taxes?
ttttttssssssssssssssssssssssss….were HOT HOT HOT!
Cheers, pretty PRINCESS.
Oh my girlies! You are just beeeee-utiful!
I think faggie needs to pop a Rudolph nose out of his ass! HAAAAAA!
Sizzling hot, hot, hot for a certainty. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve viewed this pic already. Even to the point of expanding it full screen and oogling over and over.
Perhaps you could have Fagarina do a disgusting rendition of one of the classic Christmas shows with multiple charecters? You know like The Grinch, or Rudolph, Or the one with Heatmiser and Coldmiser…or even one of the movies like its a wonderful life or Miracle on 34th street Or just see how big of a candy cane he can fit up his chimney. Or maybe just a slutty rendition of Santa Baby…
What a lucky lucky little pansy you are Fagarina having such a Beautiful Princess to guide you in your humiliation, What ever you decide for Fagarina will be just right, ’cause Princess know’s best. All Hail Princess Sierra!
Fagarina should soak himself in lamp oil, light himself on fire and shove a yule-log up is brown-star.
Wow Princess I love you and Stevie. You two are very lovely girls. 🙂
Hello Mistresses, its Women like this that give we submissves a reason to exist. I love you Princess Sierra and i’am looking forward to giving you what you deserve Ma’am. shawn