New page!

Update again: $300 from a brand new guy named tom. he’s a friggin’ raging homo! Totally obsessed with dick.

vintage furfreak I got the business suit and it looks awesome on! I’m going to take it to the tailor to have it taken it just a smidge in the waist, but I usally have to take most blazers in at the waist. Now the black dress I had to send back because there was no room for my boobs in it. Oh jasoninrecovery gave ME $100 a few days ago I forgot all about. Just remembered it cuz I also got $42 in the mail today from him that he sent that same night.

Update: I manage to get another $200 out of a brand new black slave. deadman dan was conjured up from his grave and has dropped $350 so far. toejamjam lost $150 today as well. wimpy dog has been fired because he is wearing a leg cast and refused to write My name all over it as well as humiliating sentences about himself! Good riddance to bad rubbage! I’ve just added 3 more “slave types” to My brand new page. So go look again!

Oh goodness, have I been busy. I was going to put this in members only. But what the fuck! This shit is too good not to show off. Gawds! When will MY wicked mind stop spitting out these yummy little mindfucks! What can I say? I should be used to the fact that I am just TOO FUCKING GOOD!

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1 thought on “New page!

  1. avataranonymous

    When I first saw your site, I thought ‘how could anyone fall for such an evil woman?’ How could anyone just give her money, especially seeing what she has done to others. She is so mercenary and just drips cruelty. But I had to keep reading. I loved it when she said in her video. “I’ve turned you into something you don’t even recognize any more.” And now I wonder, what would she turn me into?


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