My ass!

My ass!

Update again:  Looks like you can also register to MY journal and have your name and email stored.

Update:*ok comments are working again, but some stuff is still screwy. The gravatar signup button isn’t working yet at the bottom of comments. If you are a regular commenter or a slave of Mine go to and stick a little icon up. Use that same email to comment. Nobody will see your email.**

Update: Yay! Just got $300 from lou-zer. I’m getting grandpa freakpie drunk right now. It doesn’t take many bottles of wine to get an old cadaver hammered. I just made him superglue his ass cheeks shut with some super glue . he says it’s stuck so tight he can’t fart. hahaha I decided I am going to have him do some crossdressing pictures in the future..grandma like rolled up stockings and a pink pill-box hat or something hahahaha. Something very “where’s the beef?.under the pickle.”

Hey boys and girls! Let’s see. For now this is MY new journal. If it doesn’t work out we can always go back, I guess.

Spinning is back on twice a week and our asses are sore! Stevie’s been kicking it up a notch in class .it’s been tough but fun. Also My personal trainer has been killing ME on leg work-outs. Oweeeeeie! Let’s see, we’ve also decided to drink less because it’s hard to diet when you are consuming so many calories on alcohol on the least for the time being instead of going out on Friday’s and partying like RockStars we’re all going over to MY trainer’s house for a few cocktails, games and to watch tivo’d L-Word. Sounds kinda dorky, but hopefully we will drink way less this way, order fewer pizzas and not make anymore drunky trips to SteakNShake afterhours. Well, the rest of us girls are all tempted into eating like pigs when we are drinking, MY trainer is a total freak and lives on protein bars and chicken breast.

Soooo let’s see lotsalip bought MY trainer a few items off Her wishlist. he and sissy tommikins love Her tough look and big muscles. I’ve had some requests for flexing pics of Her. Here’s one..those who shop for Her can earn a few more.

poor popeye

This is from Her trip to Florida during Christmas. Funny part is about this picture..She didn’t know who the hell this guy was..She just hopped in and out-muscled his Popeye. Nice tye-dye,  She should be updating it in the next few days. If you are one of Her fans, keep an eye out and shop shop shop shop!

great shot

lotsalip was also a good boy and sent $200 and bought Me the workout outfit and some glasses from My amazon wishlist. Princess fan got Me a ceiling fan off MY amazon wishlist. terrance sent Me $250 and lou-zer got ME 4 things of My favorite Yves St Laurent mascara off MY list too PLUS 8 aged bronzed doorknobs! These are awesome doorknobs ! Woohoo! I can’t wait to get them installed! How about some more cold hard-cash lou-zer?? Yeh your outta work, your life is sucking, your wife is blacking out at pizza hut.but ummm..Princess wants to shop!

Remember louey..

when you’re alone
And life is making you lonely,
You can always go ..BitchyBeauty dot com.
When you’ve got worries,
All the noise and the hurry
Seems to help, I know, …BitchyBeauty dot com
Just listen to Her voice melt your brain so itty bitty
Linger at Her gallery where the pictures are so pretty
How can you lose?
The lights are much brighter there
You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares and go
Bitchybeauty DOT COM, things’ll be great when you’re
BITCHYBEAUTY DOT COM, no finer place for sure,
BITCHYBEAUTY DOT COM, everything’s waiting for yooooooooooooooooooooou!
(dot com)

FUCKING A! I am so gonna write The Life Of Princess Sierra THE MUSICAL! Im still looking for a way of getting journals from different sources all feeding into one page. I think I’m going to have some of you guys go to wordpress instead in the future, if I can manage this. With commenting, you can either put in your email and attach a “gravatar” which is a user icon that will pop up with your comments. don’t have to put in your real name..just put in a nickname.. or you can just comment anonymously (boresville). If you do put in your email, nobody can see it, they will only see your don’t sweat it.  Let’s see how all this goes! Should be better because I won’t be censored, slaves won’t be constantly stalked by other Dommes and everything is on MY own domain so I can do whatever the fuck I want to. Yippy! It’s all MY world here at 24 hours 7 days a week ME ME ME!

Oh yeh, one more thing. Take a look at this page through your cellphone and tell Me what it looks like. It looks like poop on MY palm based Treo. How does it look on your cell?

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19 thoughts on “My ass!

  1. avatarscrewy louey - lou_zer

    I’m so happy you like the doorknobs and mascara.
    The new journal looks good – in spite of the issues you’ve already raised. Thank you for sharing it with us.



  2. avatarPrincess

    Yeah…I think its because I went nuts on the plug-ins. I wanted threaded comments…which I think messed up MY gravatar signup. Fuck. But I guess it’s better than having to see a big ADULT CONCEPTS LINK on all My entries.


  3. avatarPrincess

    Fuckadoodledoo…I can see MY gravatar on foxfire but not explorer…how about you lou-zer?



    screwy louey Reply:

    I see your gravatar with explorer, but I tried the gravatar sign up again with no luck.



    Princess Reply:

    Ok did you go to gravatar and put a picture in without using the sign up from MY comments area? Try that. Let Me test something. I don’t think its really working on outside gravatars…just the one I put in within wordpress. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCKITY fuck fuck. I hate doing this shit. What version of explorer are you using?


  4. avatarTittyboy

    i looked at this on my cell phone and it looks fine. And i’ve created a gravatar, so i guess i’ll find out if that works on here too, Princess.


  5. avatarPrincess

    Did you boys both go directly to to set it up? The gravatar-button on MY comments isn’t working correctly. Will probably have to remove it. Seems like the page looks fine on everyone’s cell phone but Mine. Im going to try to download Opera on MY cell and see if that helps.


  6. avatarTittyboy

    Yes, Princess–i went directly to to set it up. But then i had to go back again and actually select the pic that i had uploaded so it would show as my avatar.


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