More Prezzies for Princess

Update: ooh I see the receipt for the fax machine and who sent it. hahaha Still reading MY website I see? Once an addict always an addict Ummmmm..go hit those wishlists again!

Today I got lots of packages! Stevie received 3 articles of golf clothing. (I’ll give them to her on saturday) She also recieved a pair of Nike Shox that I forgot to photograph. My fax machine got here already! hahaha! Who’s the secret shopper?? Damned loser, you are fast on the draw! Are you the same one who got Stevie’s camera? brad the fags little package showed up. 2 tubes of Mac Lipstick, Bobbie Brown concealer and My $30 mascara. Oh and a PEN he fucking threw into the mix.which I will treasure for the rest of MY life…NOT!
Oh and 3 pairs of pants from VS are in the photo too.

SOOo secret shopper would be SUPER NIFTY if you got your lame ass back to MY wishlist and got the WOK and the EXPANSION card for MY TREO. Oh and I’m still lusting for the GPS thingie. Stevie’s priority item of the moment is that tanning airfusion gun at the bottom. It needs a physical address so send it to ME.
Sierra Horizons
6478 Winchester Blvd #901
Canal Winchester OH 43110

For your shopping convenience, I will list all Amazon wishlist links below AGAIN.

friar fucked the Official Priest of the Universal Church of PRINCESS Our Blessed Lady of Misery, sent ME $300 more today. heehee I really love fucking with his head. All you fucking catholics can all stop bitching about My priest saying anti-religious shit, cuz I think it’s friggin funny and if it makes PRINCESS giggle then it couldn’t possibly be a bad thing because MY GIFT OF LAUGHTER is the SWEETEST THING ON EARTH.

twinkie sent ME $600 today! he was on the phone looking at MY photos almost CRYING because they were so beautiful and telling ME a thousand times how much he LOVES AND NEEDS ME. he’s soo sentimental. hahahahahaha Now he’s talking about exchanging necklaces. he wants to send ME a big diamond necklace and I’ll send him a macaroni on a string to wear around his neck every day and it will be like we’re a couple! hahahahahhaha

fatmac sent Veronica another $400 yesterday! Damned fatty! Did someone die and leave you a little something lately? you’ve been like a Supersized Energizer Bunny lately!

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