I had to wake up bright and early because I have some running to do today but look what I found in MY mailbox. 13 crispies from grandpa freakpie!
Last night I saw him on webcam for the first time. Me and MY girlfriend watched as he danced around in speedos and made him draw a mustache on himself. We laughed our asses off when we first saw his face. he is sooo “crypt keeper”. Afterwards, I made him pour juice from a habanero down his geriatric prick and bunghole.
Oh yeah, the baboon is having another fit. he was so worked up and chattering like a chimp last night! I got $400 out of him. We want monkey-cam, baboon!! Get it set up and dance monkey, dance!!!
….the black pen was a nice start….how bout next time, GrandpaFreakpie gives himself the ol Dirty Sanchez. Gaaaaag, gaaag…..Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrribbbba!!!…….HAHAHAHhahahhahhahaha!
Most beautiful Princess Sierra, i thought that i would had overcome my addiction since You have made me suffer so much and You have destroyed my live completely. Now that i have finally found a place to live and a fucking job there is only one thing that continues echoing through my mind: spend all your hard earned money on Princess Sierra.
You are the worst nightmare i ever had – and the only one that has become so very true.
I think the best thing is just to let go because if feels so good to serve Princess. Once she gets you on the phone she can talk you into anything. No point in holding out as it feels so good to give in and give her $.