Taking her hubby’s cash behind his back!

$1,000 smackaroos from sharon’s unsuspecting husband. HEEHEE It really is fun making sharon steal his money out beneath his nose! sharon loved My newest photos of Me on the bike and I assured her that her husband definitely needed to contribute to MY bike accessory fund. I also made her lace hubby’s dessert with chocolate X-lax and clean the bathroom with his toothbrush. The slug didn’t know what hit him!

I have been SOO working over amazon addict and his evil sidekick sputnik. It’s so fun turning addict’s brain into MY slurpee! I put in MY straw and poke, poke holes in it and SUCK out all the tasty bits. I really have done a number on this guy. When I first met him, he used to try putting up a fight. I told him he would learn to STOP fighting. Now he’s like playing a video game and I’ve got the full controls..What’s that one game??? The old 80’s arcade game Frogger–where you hop the little frog out in the street of traffic. Sometimes I safely lead him through the cars and sometimes I just like to watch him wipe out and become a greasy little toadmark on the asphalt! Anyway, I got another $250 of amazon gift certificates from him which I spent on some boots, a cropped denim jacket and a few tees. he was disappointed that I used that first GC he got for new boots on steaks instead and as planned he coughed up another for the boots. I love it when a plan comes together. I still have a bit more left of his GC to burn.
smalldick SD made a $300 donation too. I got a few other small donations I’ll have to go through MY billing and double check who its from.

Yo doomed brit. your lame ass owes ME more cash! SEND IT NOW, you soon to be nadless wonder! I got busy last night and missed your calls. Sucks to be a fucked-up british alcoholic!

Friday I met up at the crack of dawn with those Women I met at the BikerBall and we went riding. Got back late saturday afternoon. I got to get a lot of practice riding in the hills and also riding in a group. We stayed the night at a cabin and got started early in the morning. I am still exhausted. The heat really takes it out of Me. I wore tons of sun screen and I still managed to get burnt again. Damned it! I’m also not used to waking up in the morning, so that early rising has my system all messed up. I’m SOOOOOO glad I got the bikes. This is turning out to be the MOST fun hobby. It’s very addicting. I see a zillion #’s show up on MY caller ID and Im not even going to bother emptying MY voicemail because it has been filling up over night with the same little junkies begging for MY attention.

I need a nappy.

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