Lost sheep always come back home

Lost sheep always come back home

Guess who is back from hiding??  The divorcee.  he sent $500 to pay his atonement.   We shall see how this goes.  Rest assured, this little piglet is SOOOoooooooooOOoo gonna suffer for his sins!  Guess who else left Me a juicy $1,000 donation?   old guy george!  Yay for the old fart!  I’ll have so much fun spend, spend, spending it!   fagarina sent $300 in crispies in the mail today. $200 for ME and $100 for MY girl!  My vacation pics sent the little creampuff spinning into sissy space!   doomed brit  another sheep who ran straight back to the flock of freaks sent $150 and smalldickSD lost $375 to ME.

Click to see george and the divorcee’s tribute.


Note to all you “lost” sheep:

None of you can successfully STAY AWAY!  you all find yourselves begging at MY feet again.  you might even try chitchatting with another Mistress..seeking a placebo..a safer, cheaper, simpler, knock-off version of PRINCESS SIERRA..you might TRY..you might hide..you might delete your screenname and immerse yourself in some small dark hole trying to escape MY grasp, but it doesn’t work, it never works..there is no escaping the unavoidable, the inevitable soul snatcher.   I am the one who made you the freak you are today.  It was I who made it impossible for you to truly enjoy normal relationships, to live like you USED to live, to love like you USED to love, to feel like you USED to feel. I am the one who makes you thirst and hunger for MY particular type of abuse..and I am the only one who can fulfill that dark need inside you.. that ineluctable desire.  I know this, because I planted that fucking need, I cultivated that desire..I SOWED that evil seed! 

Muahahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahhaahaha!!  I am PRINCESS SIERRA, you were made by ME for ME..don’t you ever fucking forget that. 

I also got a few interesting items off MY wishlist — a pressure washer, a pet stroller for MY girlfriend (no comment), a step ladder, some summer flip-flops and a few smaller items.

hmmm..I’m thinking about joining a step aerobics class.  We won’t have spinning class until sept or aug and I need something to do in the mean time.  Stevie and DDR are doing some 5 a.m. crazy bootcamp type workout thang..but there is no way in hell I can deal with waking up in the morning or have some dude bark out orders…I need to find something though..I’m slacking because it’s summer and I need something totally different to get Me more enthused about working out.

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5 thoughts on “Lost sheep always come back home

  1. avatarAnonymous

    i have read these words several times and i will do so much more. It is hard to admit, but this is sooo very true.

    There is no way to describe You but to say : PRINCESS SIERRA !

    You are perfection, You are unique, You are supreme, You are… well YOU are Princess Sierra.


  2. avatareddy

    Yes I can’t coming back again and again. I’ve been trying to stop for years now to no avail. Did you get my email Princess?


  3. avatart.

    Princess, you always have such a way with words. This is all true and it’s extremely frightening. I am in so much deeper than I was when I first contacted you. My addictions have changed and I spend a LOT more time in sub space then I use to. I can’t get out and I honestly do feel trapped.


  4. avatarugly stewart

    Princess, what You say is so true. After many years i find i am being drawn back – You have to do nothing – You just have to be – the draw is irresistible.


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