Looking for Me?

Looking for Me?

$400 of crispies came in the mail today. $200 from grandpafreakpie and $200 from smalldicksd.  I added the photos plus a few new gifts to My slide.com.

Hi worshippers, losers, addicts, haters, fans and freaks!  I know your little hearts skip a beat when I don’t update MY journal a few days in a row.   There there, MY sad throng of Princess junkies.  Princess has written a little something something for Her nothings nothings.   I’ve been busy collecting cash and hunting for goodies to add to MY wishlists!  Old man tim,the guy who gave Me $20,000 in one payment in 2005, made a $1,000 wire transfer today.   sigh..booooring.  I dunno tim..it’s kinda lost it’s magic for ME.  20,000 was SOOO hot and exciting! $1,000 is just kinda blah in comparison.  I think you need to send Me something that will get MY pulse rate up.    simon sent $100 and signed up for the $25 weekly lovetax.  vintage furfreak sent $300 and is awaiting some shopping orders. fatmac just got suckered into buying a special gift that ran around $100.

I noticed $103 state income tax refund is pending in MY checking account.  Is that yours, tittyboy? I thought the state was suppose to be bigger. 

 Valentine’s day is coming up!  That means you get to shop for new lingerie for Me and MY girlfriend, pay for a romantic meal for 2 at the snazziest place in town, a bottle of fine wine, roses..and hmmm and lots of  other romantic goodies.  I’ll make a SweetHeart shopping list in the next few days. 

 fagarina!! you better have a GOOD valentine’s day outfit ready for this year! 

K tomorrow I have training and spinning, but should be available later in the evening for phonecalls.  gramps that cash you fed-ex’ed should be here Wednesday, right? 

 toiletbrush, you sack of shit..WHERE THE FUCK IS THE VS ORDER you supposedly got ME?  This is your last chance, bitch.  If this doesn’t come through..you will be punished and you will be on CASH-only priviledges..no more shopping for pretty things.  you should fucking be ashamed of yourself, you shiteous pile of dung.

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5 thoughts on “Looking for Me?

  1. avatartittyboy

    Yes, Princess, the $100 is my small state tax return that You would not even let me keep. But rather than focusing on so many things You’ve taken from me, many of them permanently, i will do my best to show my utter gratitude for the remaining things You have let me keep at least for now.


  2. avatarfatty

    “Suckered” is certainly the correct term for that total ambush that Princess sprung on me. Needless to say she laughed quite hard at the ease with which she forced my hand.



  3. avatarPrincess

    you got that one right, fatstuff! you only get easier! you are SOOO fucking whupped, it’s not even fair! Me and MY gang have you right where We want you! WRAPPED around Our pinkies!

    tittyboy, I’m looking forward to seeing your Federal refund in MY account soon. Keep those soon to be Double D’s bouncing!


  4. avatarfatty

    That’s because you and your gang always crumble my defenses, Princess. I start out trying to defend or explain myself and before I know it, you have the whole situation turned around to where I have to feel bad about disagreeing and good about caving and buying. It is so unfair.



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