Long weekend ahead

Hey freakos! I have a BUSY busy weekend in store for Me, so I won’t be online much until monday evening. fatmac sent Me $300 and veronica $250. I made fagarina drive to BestBuy with his pants and undies in the back seat and buy ME $1,000 of Bestbuy GC’s. Get them in the mail and fedex them to Me, fagafreaka! I am still trying to figure out just how I want to spend My $3,800 promised by grandpa freakpie. he begged to buy Me furniture for MY house instead of just making a $3,800 donation. So far he’s been very good for an old fart, and I do need some new furniture. Right now I’m looking for the perfect television cabinet/stand. I’m pitching MY gigantic wall unit. I’m also still looking for the perfect coffee table.

$500 donation from terrance. I see $100 donation from a jason. Annoying boston slut sent Me a piddly $75, $200 gift certificates at some stupid store I’ll never use and $25 GC at some bookstore. The GC’s I think he got for his birthday or something. ali mcloser also sent $100 and WTF??? ali, you fucktard I said $500 MORE!!

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