Little somethin somethin

Little somethin somethin

oliver peters smith from Duizburg Germany just sent ME $800!  We totally laughed our asses off at him!   jewish piggy sent $400 last night.  I still hate your fucking ass you fucking Gefilte freak!  $100 from mrobot.  $175 from some new cocksucker caller.  randy mersch the humpbacked freaky pot-head called and was separated from his $300.  randy, your pot problem isn’t serious enough, it’s totally time for you to take up snorting coke!  We both know you want Me to turn you into a cocaine addict.  vintage furfreak bought Me this cool multi-colored polka-dotted cheesecake dress for photos.   Oh and let’s not forget the $300 tribute that the twitterpated and completely mind-fucked hairlip sent My way.  To get all Jerry Mcquire on you, hairlip.  “I complete you.” awwww..touching, huh?  Umm I’ll be around for calls tonight (sunday) but we have a few projects we will be working on.  Tomorrow MY girlfriend has the day off and we are going to go shopping and get our teeth zoomed! Yay!! 

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