Labtop Blues AGAIN!

Update: $200 from randy mersch and another $300 from the postal pervert.

Look at tittyboy now!
And be sure to check out his new tittylicious video! HAHAHAHA ewwwwwwwwwwwww! **LINK NO LONGER WORKS! tittyboy’s boobs are too huge for youtube!
you won’t believe this. I am having problems with MY fairly new toshiba satellite notebook computer. I can’t remember how long ago I got the laptop, but I’m thinking it was like 6mos ago or less? I will have to get a new keyboard and take it in for some other work. FUCK! I swear I go through 1 or more laptops a year! My desktops last much longer, but I must be ROUGH on MY laptops. I decided I want a backup one for when problems like this arise, I won’t ever have to be laptopLESS. So although My other laptop is fixable, I want a new one NOW! Buy Me a new one or send ME enough amazon gift certificates for a TOSHIBA. Whoever gets it will be MY favorite pig for an ENTIRE week. I have a houseful of laptop corpses. A Dell that was just a year old when it’s motherboard totally died. I have another Toshiba satellite, well it’s really heavy. It’s not dead, but I gave it to MY girlfriend when I got that stupid ass Dell. I also have an old Hewlett packard that isn’t dead but it weighs a hundred pounds and gets so hot it burns your lap. I hate that thing. I have a Dell Desktop which has been wonderful and a Sony Desktop I got during the turdmuncher shopathon. It’s hassle free too. I also have an older Hewlett Packard which is in the basement and is just used as storage although it has lasted quite a long time. Desktops I have good luck with, but laptops are another story! But I hate working at a desk unless I am working on photos or webpages. I generally laying on MY tummy on the couch or floor or bed when I’m chatting with you little dungpies. I’m online too much to be stuck behind a desk. So anyway. I want a new one, so a new one I shall have!

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5 thoughts on “Labtop Blues AGAIN!

  1. avatardominasnow

    I used to go through a Dell every 6 months, wasted 2 Toshibas, and had a HP kick the bucket in under a month. Then I got a couple of Gateways, and even traveling with them, they get quite a beating. Never once had a problem, internal or external.

    I highly recommend one of those fuckwads gets you one of these:
    Or, pricier:

    Or, for the cheapskate, the Remanufactured (with a sweet warranty) are nice as well:

    The bigger screen makes such a huge difference when you’re lying down– I hate laying on my stomach and squinting at an IM box. Not bad for movies either. I just checked and they don’t have SHIT from Gateway on Amazon. What is up with that?


  2. avataranonymous


    You may require one of those military-grade, impossible to destroy laptops that can be dropped from a 12 story building, and still function afterwards.

    Check out
    for example. You can take this baby into battle with your bitches and it won’t even break a sweat.

    I’d also like to change gears here, and applaud you for DEMANDING the respect that women intrinically deserve. Examples of males like this KARR creep who probably killed Jon Benet Ramsey, or did something equally vile and feels guilty enough to confess, shows that MALES are fucked up. These ASSHOLES are intimidated by real WOMEN, BUT feel that they can dominate GIRLS. Well, there should be no GIRLS in the language but only “10 year old WOMEN”, “6 year old WOMEN”
    who deserve respect. AGE is no excuse for not respecting the WOMAN they are borne to be. So let’s end this sickness of the male species today!!


  3. avataranonymous

    i cant believe this guy’s transformation!! i saw the latest pics & video & i admit i shot my load in under the 45 secs of the video!! his tits are way bigger….he’s lost weight or is it just his bigger tits that makes his stomach & waist smaller….and his face is far more feminine….nice legs too but i keep thinking this is a guy! yet i cant stop jerking off to his pics & video….is it my imagination or is his voice turning more feminine?… hormones really grows tits & turn your voice that quickly!!!

    Princess is the GOD of transformation!! tittyboy is like some poor fly trapped in Her web!!

    mark francis


  4. avataranonymous

    Nice job on tittyboy, Princess. VERY nice job! Congratulations – only YOU could acheive such a level of domination!


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