Just Kidding

i still have an account active on date.com (as david1962dayton) where i actually met a couple women a few years ago, but now i have a more honest profile that will ensure that i wont be able to find any more women to date me from there. They wouldn’t let me post any of my full drag pics, but there are 2 pics on there of my face with makeup but no wig. So i don’t know why i fell for it when a real woman wrote me the following email message on there:
“Would you be interested in a 4some? Loucinda and Loucille would love to spank your bottom.”

But since i don’t have a paid account, i cant reply to emails. i could only send her a generic notice to “show interest” which i did last Friday when i got her email. So today she finally wrote back and said:
“By the way, I was kidding with the other email. Im sorry but you are definitely not my type at all!”

Update 12/11/07 i got another email today where she wrote:
“By the way. Who does your makeup? What shade of lipstick do you use?”

But it would cost me $29.95 to get a full membership so i could write back to her.

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About tittyboy

Princess has taken away my entire tax return again as well as all of my heterosexuality and is gradually taking away my manhood in retun for a set of real titties, which are the only things i'll get to keep forever.

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