I’m One BadAss Bitch!

I'm One BadAss Bitch!



Switched photos. I didn’t think that other one was very flattering. It will still be available for members only though. 

Update:  The wallet crunching has already begun. g from cleveland sent $2,000!  he doesn’t know why the hell he adores Me because he has a fetish for little flat-chested chicks.  Yeh, it doesn’t really what your type USED to be..none of you fuck-puddles can escape MY brainwashing.  pedro sent $400 and m-robot did $600!  hairlip sent a little $100 surprise donation after he saw the photos this morning.  How predictable of him. heehee


Got a few pictures that turned out.  Not near as many as I wanted. 🙁  I’m gonna try to do a few more in the suit that Princess fan got Me)  This outfit was courtesy of Princess fan as well!  Oh wow!  I see a very drained wallet in your future, little boys!! HAHA!  Fullsized photos will be available to members. These look goooooooooooood FULL size.  BRAINS will BE MELTING in the next few days! I’ll be here to take advantage of the situation, of course.  FUCK! Look at ME!! I am such a TRUE ALPHA FEMALE!  I WAS BORN TO MOTHAFUCKIN RULE THE PLANET!!!!!!!!!!!

Back of the dress is pretty cool too!


 Someone get these boots!  They are 19 inches long!  The tall boots Ive been looking for on amazon all have been around 15 which is fine if you are short beta being.  These just might go up to the knee like tall boots are suppose to!! Get them asap!

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36 thoughts on “I’m One BadAss Bitch!

  1. avatartoy4Goddess

    Oh my god–Princess, seeing this photo of You makes me think being crushed under Your heels like a loathsome bug would make for a happy death…

    You are so far beyond perfection it hurts!



  2. avatarMicky

    Wow Princess You look so awesome in that outfit. All I can think of is being down on my knee’s in front of you,kissing your feet The supreme Goddess. You are a very beautiful women.


  3. avatarmrobot

    omg, pics of Almighty GOD are soo amazing, she is true Ultimate Amazon Robot Controller….so stunning, powerful, all men should see there place now and submit. There is one true ruler. If only i could afford to worship, need find cash, i must obey, Goddess deserves everything.


  4. avatardringue

    I like Your waist and hips. It must be gloriuos watching You walking down the street. i think that those images of Yours are long-lasting. Definitive marks, like branding marks, that perhaps i’ll still remember in twenty or thirty years from now.


  5. avatar~the Female fan

    omg! You really are incredible in that dress…..even i’m about to send money after that last pic! amazing girl!


  6. avatarPrincess Fan

    I am the one who bought her this magnificent dress and Princess has knocked it out of the park! I just want to stare at these pics and BEG to buy her whatever she wants tonight!! I must give in to my addiction and serve her. I think we all need to stop and just let her work her magic.


  7. avatarJohnEvals

    Princess Sierra,
    Female supremacy has an icon and explanation You!! You are the incarnation and embodiment of the TRUE ALPHA FEMALE. The black dress just emphasises that You are a perfect Beauty Bitch. Even though I knew this from before it hits me in the gut even harder now. Low lives must accept and abide your commands and rules. You are stunning!!


  8. avatarMicky

    Oh lord God Princess you are unbelievable! your new photos,that dress your skin tone your hair your legs your hips WOW! you are easily the most sexiest gorgeous attractive hottest women on the internet hell the world. 😉 it is very hard to be happy with my life now after see’ing those awesome pictures of you.
    You make men hungry.


  9. avatarfatty

    Those pictures are beyond hot. Princess Sierra is stunningly beautiful and she gets more so with each passing photo session. She makes that dress hotter than its designer could have ever imagined.


  10. avatarAnonymous

    Princess God, this is once more A M A Z I N G ! ! !
    i think every time a get a bulge in my pants because of these photos (and that happens as often as i open Your site) i should pay another $100.


  11. avatarPrincess

    Yes I am amazing, I am Alpha, I am Perfection! All your compliments are quite amusing. Keep waxing poetic (non-poetic in most of your cases) about My overwhelming Beauty, Supremacy and Dominance.

    To the guy with the “bulge.” : Don’t make Me hurl. I did not get any $100 tributes from anonymous guys in the Neatherlands recently…so you have NOT sent $100. Send $300..or shut your fucking deceitful yap and go somewhere else.


  12. avatarCasey

    You are so damned dominant and superior and such a wickedly beautiful woman. You are smoking! I was looking at a bunch of financial Mistresses on this guys site and they all just look like normal harmless girls doing what they can to make a few bucks. You on the other hand radiate pure dominance. You have it all going on!


  13. avatardringue

    In the first photo, the newest one, You look like some beautiful sculture. You look also like some angel from the Apocalypse.
    You could be Abaddon, the destroying angel. The angel of the bottomless pit.An angel of Satan.
    I think that this effect is stronger if i don’t watch Your legs, i mean, if i cover the
    bottom part of Your photo with a paper, a ruler or my hand. It makes the image more condemnatory and more solid.
    No sympathy at all with the viewer of the photo. You only admit to be adored and feared, if any.
    You seems to indicate something with Your right hand. Perhaps the reason why You are going to annihilate the viewer,that so naively, looking just a photo, found his death (it makes me think in Videodrome).
    Your extended right arm is compensated by Your hair, that falls on the left, resembling the equilibrium of Justice.


  14. avatarAnonymous

    I have to say that pic you put right on the front page of your site is freakin’ hot!!! No way I could even come close to looking like THAT so I just come here and read about it… lol.

    One of your female fans!


  15. avatarIn Awe

    Ooow, I just noticed in the slicksize.jpeg Princess is holding “The Shocker” that makes it even hotter!! Such power such Beauty, how is it, when I look at Princess Sierra’s photos I get both calm and excited simultaneosly?
    Her beauty has a Aesthetic soothing daydream *sigh* affect on me while she exudes pure power and control which has me in awe and fear. I am compelled Princess I will find a way to make money, I must find a way to contribute.


  16. avatardringue

    It is difficult compliment to You. i think that once i wrote about it here, in Your diary. In Your own words You are cruel, abusive, narcissistic… and we are worms. It is like an inverted image of the ordinary world, with inverted values, inverted words, and inverted inhabitants who try to please their God writing inverted compliments. And it is very risky in those conditions to say something new. The only things that retain the same meaning in both worlds, i think, are the value of money and Your beauty.


  17. avatarAnonymous

    Princess, As has been said before , no words can describe Your stunning beauty and perfection. i fell immediately to me knees, completely and utterly spellbound, forever obsessed. You could drive any male to complete submission. we are all unworthy to view such greatness and like all here am in complete admiration of You.
    Thankyou very much.


  18. avatarSierraismyGOD

    Its so sick. Trying to escape from this is futile. Just by checking out Your journal breaks its resistance and make it kneel, begging to be used.

    /GOD Princess Sierras “it”


  19. avatarIn Awe

    i said in an earlier post how i wish i was kneeling in front of YOU waiting to be slapped…i just had a much hotter vision…kneeling in front of YOU, red faced and crying, ears ringing so loud i have to strain to hear YOUR taunting voice, “Is it everything you hoped for faggot?” waiting for the relentless brutal slapping to stop!


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