I Rock

 Update:  Valentine’s day was Fanfuckingtastic!  The dinner, the wine, our outfits, the evening. I wore a black pantsuit, she was in red.  Everything was Perfect.kinda like Me.  teehee   It was romantic and elegant and everything just went lovely.well blue-cheese potatoes were a bit strange and some guy with too much cologne spent the night texting on his cell during his dinner while his bored wife sat looking disappointed. We wanted to slap him with his ribeye, then smack her for putting up with it!  

I stayed over at the other place and missed the $500 that was fed-ex’ed from gramps.   So that was a little bit of a bummer.   Ok I  think I have 3 new vidoes in the members area..well 4.but one is kinda a re-take..with a few minor changes.  I made this COOL medley of video clippies ealier today, but it corrupted when I moved it to another file. BOOFUCKINGHISS! Oh well, I might try again..I might not.  Either way, these clips were made right before I went out for dindin.  ta, boys!


Ok..door bell rings.cuz the mail man was bringing Me CASH! (I usually don’t answer the door for his ass anymore, he’s used to it.) I have a few more clips I slapped in members only! Including Me showing off smalldickSD’s cash! The clips are in the same place the last ones were in MEMBERS ONLY. THere might be a few more tomorrow when I get back.

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7 thoughts on “I Rock

  1. avatarDringue

    These new photos look so real and so close. As if You were there, in bone and flesh (in spite of they are black and white).
    And You look stylized, thinner, and luxurious.
    Like an expensive jewel.


  2. avatarvintage fur freak

    YOU are absolutely radiant in these new videos and photographs. i love serving such a glowing woman who radiates such confidence, happiness and superiority, not to mention mischief and cunning. 😉 YOU are in every sense of the word PERFECTION.


  3. avatarroboslave

    mrobot was surprised , amazed and very honoured to have been mentioned personally in one of almight GOD, supreme MASTERS videos. That she would even waste a precious breath on low, less than zero creatures like me is amazing. humbly yours mrobot


  4. avatargrandpafreakpie

    while all humans deterioriate, PRINCESS grows more beautiful every day, evidenced by HER astonishingly unmatched photos.


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