I know how your little shrunken brains work, boys…

I know how your little shrunken brains work, boys...

Hi, My piggy wigglies.  Such whiners you are. Every time I don’t update for awhile I get all these pathetic emails and comments.  MOST pathetic part is that the assholes who complain the MOST.are the ones who never contribute. Oh I how I LOATHE your kind.  I wish every one of you fucks who read MY page religiously and continue not to pamper and spoil ME, gets gangrene of the testicles and die a slow and painful death!

I’ve been playing Mafia Wars and getting all immersed in that as well as trying to get back started on MY home remodeling. I am also working to get re-motivated to start another fitness kick.  The home remodeling is a pain in the ass..one thing always leads to another. I still need to get the flooring and vanity ripped out of the  master bathroom so I can get all MY new faucets, vanity lights, fixtures ect installed.  I’m trying to get refocused on the things I need to get done  but instead, I’m collecting limes and snake statues, buying casinos and putting hits on mobsters in this worthless computer game!

hairlip has been a loyal shopper and has been following My amazon and Buckle wishlist and buying up everything MY little heart desires.  The Ukrainian went on a spree and sent about $2,000, $300 cash from fagarina, $400 from sissy tommikins,  $400 from toejamjam, $100 from that 21 year old douche nozzle slave, $300 from weak loser,  $350 from some pay&dash new guy and lots of other shit I just can’t recall.  Vaseline freak, I got your $300 in case you didn’t get MY message and I hope you are saved up to send another. Also received $300 cash in the mail from someone else from Spain.   I can’t remember the shit from earlier in the week.

brad the fag I see you popping on and off your yahoo. Just send some cash already..we know you wanna.  slutty suzy I see you too logging in to your account.  Why the fuck would you do that, you skanky whore!?!!?  I thought you just “wanted to be left alone.” Ha whatever! you fucking sickos are so TERMINALLY infested with the disease I rotted your brains with! HAHAHAHA  Go pick out a nice Thank You card for ME! you KNOW I deserve it!  oliver twisted:  Where the hell are you?!? you have duties, you dick-loving danish dildo!   DO you SERIOUSLY think you can ever escape?  luke, I see you popping in and out of your yahoo.  So many of you have this tragic little habit of trying to tempt fate by logging into your yahoo accounts that you created to communicate with ME.  you hop on. you hop off.  you hop on . you hop off!  What are you doing???  Jerking off looking at MY screenname on your yahoo pager??    baboon is notorious for hopping on to see what I am doing, then hiding. you guys have no self control.  you can’t resist logging in to see if I am out there–lurking in cyberland, ready to pounce on you and tear you from limb to limb if you dare but enter MY lair and send ME a message.  Open yahoo. Shut yahoo.  Send a quick message “hi”. Jump off immediately.  Jump on 3 hours later. See if I’m online. Jump off.  2 hours later.  Log back on, message Me.and the next thing you know you are inebriated, $1,000 in the hole and your bung is mysteriously throbbing in pain. “Wack on. Wack off, danielsun”.   you jackasses are SOOOOO fucking predictable!  Enough already. Send your cash, you stupid bitches!!!


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8 thoughts on “I know how your little shrunken brains work, boys…

  1. avatarhoerslaaf

    @anonymous, we as males are wrong at birth, female are natural superior, just except it. and Princess is must superior of them all


  2. avatarbaby

    excue me again but just because i am a baby does not to say i has not got power and i will shrivel you up soon


  3. avatarAnonymous

    GOD Sierra is so right. we always, always, always will crawl back to Her feet because we’re infested with the disease, the virus, the dope. we NEED Her abuse. we constantly fight the urge to sink again, yet always lose. Evry war, every battle. Born losers. So pathetic. All of us.


  4. avatarfatty

    I think so few comments on this update because her writing struck such a nerve in us. It was so accurate in it’s description of us that it scared us intensely.


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