I feel lazy!

I’ve been preoccupied with stuff and projects lately so there isn’t much to tell today.

westernunionsissyboy sent ME $500 smackaroos today though. The ukranian sent $300 then turned around and sent another $200 after I whispered a few sweet nothings in his ear. heehee and you said you could only afford $200 today, ukranian! See how I manage to get you to pull extra money out of your ass??

I made toiletbrush do a boatload of shopping. I have so much clothes to add to MY fulfilled wishlist! I was sending secret messages to sputnik, commanding him to bring amazon addict to Me for more abuse. As usual, sputnik picked up MY signals. I got another $250 amazon GC’s that I whipped through MY amazon wishlist in a matter of seconds! I’m up to 576 amazon items on MY fulfilled amazon wishlist. Let’s get it up to 1000 addict!! HAHAHAHAHA P.S. you’re soooo eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezy!

I need to get motivated for photos. I just don’t feel like sitting under the bright lights and dressing up. Boo Hiss. Sometimes I am so moody and lazy. I haven’t updated members forever. I need to feel more inspired I guess.

I just rotated in a different Archived gallery for this month.

easy, did you send that $300 you promised???? you better have, bitch!! I have your shopping list ready. I see you jumping off and on your aol turning your visibility off. you can’t hide from the EYE OF GOD. I SEE all. If I do not get that money in the next day or two. you will be severely PENALIZED!!!
Oh I got a wonderful new video of fagarina making pisscicles and slurping them down! It’s a hoot. he’s totally munching them down! fagarina is such a riot. you should all try to be like fagarina. he has absolutely NO self respect anymore. LOL and I LOVE IT!!

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